Panzano Sandwich Cruncher

Panzano is an Italian deli that sells the best sandwiches in Rotterdam, and even delivers, which makes it the perfect catering for a business lunch. However, you cannot order on-line and, bizarrely, Panzano does not even have a web site, which makes it difficult to order by phone or fax for a group if you neglected to memorise all 28 sandwiches. Here is a copy of the menu (as of 1 July 2010), and an idea.
Sandwich menu
Prices are €4-6 for a white roll; €0.75 surcharge for brown, tomato, corn or olive rolls.
Provolone. Provolone kaas, tomaat. Prosciutto Cotto. Achterham. Salami. Salami zacht of pikant. Diavolo. Pittige salami, zoetzure pepers. Di Mamma. Provolone kaas, ui, tomaat. Gorgonzola. Blauwaderige kaas, tomaat. Toscana. Achterham, Provolone, tomaat. Parmaham. Rauwe gedroogde ham (14 maanden). Pazzo. Pittige salami, mozzarella. Fellini. Salami, provolone kaas. Primavera. Mozzarella, tomaat, basilicum. Milano. Achterham, Provolone kaas, div. salami, tomaat. Tonno. Tonijnsalade. Buono. Gorgonzola, achterham, div. salami, tomaat. |
Siena. Achterham, tapenade, tomaat. Sorpresa. Parmaham, mozzarella. Quatro. Pikante salami, mozzarella, pesto, paprika. Fresco. Mozzarella, pesto, tomaat. Mastroianni. Gorgonzola, wilde spinazie. Bari. Parmaham, mozzarella, pesto. Lino. Provolone, rode pesto, aubergine. Capoccia. Bresaola, tomaat, mozzarella. Mela. Bresaola, rucola, pijnboompitten, grana padano. Boxie. Wilde spinazie, aubergine, provolone. Ferrari. Aubergine, artisjok, zongedroogde tomaat. Bambino. Rode pesto, mozzarella, rucola. Vitello Tonato. Kalfsmuis met tonijnsaus. Nico. Rode pesto, bresaola, aubergine, citroen. |
Photo: the Bari, with Parma ham, green pesto and mozzarella.
To order for delivery, telephone 010 233 4999 or fax 010 233 4220 before 11:00. Delivery between 12:00 and 13:00. Cash on delivery.
Alternatively, just go and have lunch at Panzano, Vasteland 42, 3011 BM Rotterdam.
Sandwich Cruncher
The average cafe web site probably cost plenty of money, and does not actually contain more information than is on this web page. (Hey, Panzano, do I get a free lunch?) The average restaurant web site probably cost even more, and is merely more flashy, pretentious and annoying if you just want a phone number or to look at the menu. Worst of all, these are usually static web sites that the cafe rarely updates. I have a better idea.
What a cafe like Panzano needs is a web site where they can enter their cafe details, menu text, prices and perhaps a few photos, and publish the menu as a web page. And then go back to the web site and update the menu when it changes.
Ladies who lunch, and other potential customers might be able to do all sorts of funky things as well as just browse menus: find out where the soup of the day is erwtensoep (in winter), search for menus with more than one vegetarian option, subscribe to an RSS feed of new menus/dishes, browse a list of highest-rated dishes, and integrate with Twitter and FourSquare accounts.
Lunatech would love to build this: web applications are what we are good at.
Contact us if you are an entrepreneur who can see a business model for how to make money from this. You might be into the printing business, and want to do for restaurant menus what does for business cards, or perhaps you know how to make a subscription or advertising model work.
Alternatively, contact us if you represent a cafe/restaurant chain/franchise that wants this for all of their locations. For example, there are several bagel and wok (not combined) franchises in the Netherlands; why does Daily Wok have a cool, well-designed and well-built web site with an up-to-date menu, while Wok to Go has a less accessible Flash-based web site with only a PDF menu ('our interactive menu is not yet active')? Similarly, Bagels & Beans only has an awkward Flash-based version of their print menu.
Until then, a Twitter feed will do, e.g. @dailywok, @picknickrdam and @sijf.