Browsers don’t do layout

Good layout has been the bane of many front-enders existance for years and years. Positioning isn’t layout and tables and floats are nasty hacks. Browsers totally suck at layout.
There have been drafts published to the W3C on constructing grids, flexible boxes and multiple columns. Have the browsers seen fit to implement these recommendations? Apparently they haven’t put much effort into this at all. Some browsers have partially implemented multiple columns. But not all, so it’s useless.
Microsoft has just released version 9 of their web browser client and it has come a long way towards converging on a more uniform usage of the web stack. In other words; Microsoft is still playing catch-up.
IE10 hopes to address that. Yes, IE9 is barely out the door and the preview of the next version has already been released.
This time next year the holy grail of web layouts may be upon us. Web page layout is in my view more important than 3D transforms, <video>, <canvas> or any other fancy-pants media manipulation stuff.
Stephen Hay has also been banging on about this for some time now and has given presentations on the problem. It looks like he’ll be granted his wish.
IE10 will include all the things we need for high-powered CSS layouts:
Media Queries - allowing CSS rules to depend on the display
Flexbox - layout based on boxes
Grid Layout - similar to Template Module
Multiple columns - columns within a block element.
The split in point 3 shows where it could all go horribly wrong if we ever want to use this in the real world. The Grid Layout is Mircosoft’s approach and the Template Module was initiated by W3C’s own Bert Bos. This explains why there is no layout method in browsers. Regardless whether it is open-source, companies don’t like to use the work of others.
So if the browser vendors go their own way on layouts we, the designers and developers, will be stuck doing it the old way because we can only work with what browsers have in common. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that one day we will have a native way of creating layouts for web browsers. The Grid Layout looks like the first proper attempt at a browser implementation and thus an obvious candidate for others to use. Apple, Google and Mozilla may need to get of their high horse and do what Microsoft has been doing, adopting other peoples’ good work.
Egor Kloos is a UX consultant at Lunatech Research where he oversees design and front-end matters. ( aka dutchcelt)