Play 2, SecureSocial and Slick

If you want to have any kind of login on your Play 2 app, and don’t want to spend the time coding one yourself, the SecureSocial module is the way to go. This article will show you how to combine it with Slick, a Scala persistence API, to store your user’s authentication details.
SecureSocial is a Play 2 module that makes it very easy to add authentication to your Play app. It supports several authentication methods and allows you to add your own. Out of the box, it supports logging using bunch of social networks, as well as a more conventional password-based sign-up and login method.
SecureSocial is not usable out-of-the-box. You need to implement some
classes in order integrate it into your application. Specifically, you
need to provide a model class that implements the Identity
trait to
represent user information, and tell SecureSocial how to store and find
instances of that model by providing it with an implementation of the
Let’s start with the model class. SecureSocial uses securesocial.core.Identity
objects to represent login details. Identity
objects store all data that identifies a user:
A combination of identity provider and the user’s ID for that provider
First name
Last name
Full name
Email address
The authentication method (OAuth 1, OAuth2, OpenId or user name and password)
One of:
OAuth 1 information (identifier, secret)
OAuth 2 information (accessToken, tokenType, ttl, refreshToken)
Password information (password hasher, password, salt)
If you are the kind of person that prefers code, take a look at the actual source code.
This trait is easy to implement if we use a case class:
case class User(uid: Option[Long] = None,
id: UserId,
firstName: String,
lastName: String,
fullName: String,
email: Option[String],
avatarUrl: Option[String],
authMethod: AuthenticationMethod,
oAuth1Info: Option[OAuth1Info],
oAuth2Info: Option[OAuth2Info],
passwordInfo: Option[PasswordInfo] = None) extends Identity
Now that we have our model class, we’re going to have to find a way to
store instances of it. This is managed by an implementation of the
trait. The
application has an
that stores these in memory, but for a real-world application you want
to store this information somewhere else, like in a database. So, it’s
time to use Slick to map our class to a database table.
Mapping our User
case class
With Slick, mapping database tables to case classes is usually easy –
all you need to do if define a *
projection method using the case
class’ apply
and unapply
methods. That usually looks something like
-case class Address(id: Option[Long], street: String,
postalCode: String, city: String, country: String)
object Organisations extends Table[Address]("address") {
// table definitions would go here
def * = id ~ street ~ postalCode ~ city ~
country <> (Address.apply _)(Organisation.unapply _)
What that actually does is provide Slick with a function needed to go
from a tuple of table type to the model class. That happens to be
exactly what a case class’ apply
and unapply
methods do.
Unfortunately, our User
case class is a little more complex: five of
the properties are of types that can’t be mapped to a table directly:
, AuthenticationMethod
, OAuth1Info
, OAuth2Info
. That means that we can’t just use the apply
methods. We’ll have to do a little more work.
First, let’s just flatten' our datamodel, and map the properties for
those classes as if they were part of our `User
class. The code is in
the listing, below.
object Users extends Table[User]("user") {
def uid = column[Long]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
def userId = column[String]("userId")
def providerId = column[String]("providerId")
def email = column[Option[String]]("email")
def firstName = column[String]("firstName")
def lastName = column[String]("lastName")
def fullName = column[String]("fullName")
def avatarUrl = column[Option[String]]("avatarUrl")
def authMethod = column[AuthenticationMethod]("authMethod")
// oAuth 1
def token = column[Option[String]]("token")
def secret = column[Option[String]]("secret")
// oAuth 2
def accessToken = column[Option[String]]("accessToken")
def tokenType = column[Option[String]]("tokenType")
def expiresIn = column[Option[Int]]("expiresIn")
def refreshToken = column[Option[String]]("refreshToken")
// passwordInfo
def hasher = column[String]("hasher")
def password = column[String]("password")
def salt = column[String]("salt")
In order to create the projection, we need to write functions that go
from this list of columns to a instance of User
, and the other way
around. To do that, we actually have five things we have to convert
must become aUserId
instance -
must become anAuthenticationMethod
instance -
, must be combined into anOption[OAuth1Info]
must be combined into anOption[OAuth2Info]
, andsalt
must be combined into anOption[PasswordInfo]
While we could do that in the function definition itself, it’s cleaner to just create methods for it. In fact, we could make the methods implicit conversions, and we would’t even have to call them ourselves. Here are the methods:
implicit def tuple2UserId(tuple: (String, String)) = tuple match {
case (userId, providerId) => UserId(userId, providerId)
implicit def string2AuthenticationMethod: TypeMapper[AuthenticationMethod] =
MappedTypeMapper.base[AuthenticationMethod, String](
authenticationMethod => authenticationMethod.method,
string => AuthenticationMethod(string)
implicit def tuple2OAuth1Info(tuple: (Option[String], Option[String])) =
tuple match {
case (Some(token), Some(secret)) => Some(OAuth1Info(token, secret))
case _ => None
implicit def tuple2OAuth2Info(tuple: (Option[String], Option[String],
Option[Int], Option[String])) = tuple match {
case (Some(token), tokenType, expiresIn, refreshToken) =>
Some(OAuth2Info(token, tokenType, expiresIn, refreshToken))
case _ => None
implicit def tuple2PasswordInfo(tuple: (String, String, Option[String])) =
tuple match {
case (Some(hasher), Some(password), salt) =>
Some(PasswordInfo(hasher, password, salt))
case _ => None
Now, we can write our projection. Given the number of fields, it’s not exactly the prettiest code, but it does its job. Here’s the code:
def * = uid.? ~ userId ~ providerId ~ firstName ~ lastName ~ fullName ~
email ~ avatarUrl ~ authMethod ~ token ~ secret ~ accessToken ~ tokenType ~
expiresIn ~ refreshToken <>(
u => User(u._1,
(u._2, u._3),
(u._10, u._11),
(u._12, u._13, u._14, u._15),
(u._16, u._17, u._18)),
(u: User) => Some((u.uid,,,
As you can see, by putting the right fields in parentheses, we create
tuples of the right form, which the implict methods then convert in the
proper object for us. The reverse function is a little simpler, and
mainly involves a lot of mapping and flatmapping from Option
Implementing UserService
Now that we mapped this class, we can add save
and find
methods to
the User
def findByUserId(userId: UserId): Option[User] = DB.withSession {
implicit session =>
val query = for {
user <- Users
if (user.userId is && (user.providerId is userId.providerId)
} yield user
def save(i: Identity): User =
def save(user: User) = DB.withSession {
implicit session =>
findByUserId( match {
case None => { // Insert a new user (sign-up)
val uid = this.autoInc.insert(user)
user.copy(uid = Some(uid))
case Some(existingUser) => { // Update an existing user
val userRow = for {
u <- Users
if u.uid is existingUser.uid
} yield u
val updatedUser = user.copy(uid = existingUser.uid)
Now all that’s left to do is implement our UserService
, which has
become very simple now:
class UserService(application: Application)
extends UserServicePlugin(application) {
def find(id: UserId) = Users.findByUserId(id)
def save(user: Identity) =
// Ok, I'm cheating a little. I'm not explainig how to persist Token
// But I'm sure you can figure out this part!
def findByEmailAndProvider(email: String, providerId: String) = None
def save(token: Token) = ???
def findToken(token: String) = ???
def deleteToken(uuid: String) = ???
def deleteExpiredTokens() = ???
Mapping SecureSocial’s Identity
class to the database is not really
straightforward, especially when using Slick. The main difficulty is
that it uses some other case classes, which require some special
consideration when mapping. This article shows one way to approach this,
and the good news is that you can reuse this on any Play 2 project that
uses Slick and SecureSocial.
If you want to see this code with all the context of an actual application, I pushed the results of my experiments to GitHub. If you’d like to improve on it (such as implement password-based login, which I didn’t need), pull requests are welcome.