Managing database transactions with Squeryl and Activiti

There are different ways you can use database transactions with business processes in Activiti. This article explains the options when using Scala and Squeryl.
Activiti Transactions
Throughout this explanation, we’ll be using the following business process as an example:

Normal situation
Normally, Activiti creates a transaction that spans from the start to
the process until a wait state is reached. In this example, the first
wait state is after the complete process ended. A transaction is
committed if the wait state is succesfully reached; in this case, if the
process successfully completed. If an exception is thrown, the
transaction is rolled back. So if Service Task #1
or Service Task #2
throws an exception, the transaction is rolled back, and the database
will not contain any evidence of the process ever having existed.
By default, Activiti has no mechanism for dealing with transactional
stuff inside service tasks. So Service Task #1
can handle its own
transaction and commit its own work. If Service Task #2
then throws
and exception, the Activiti transaction will be rolled back, but not
the transaction that Service Task 1
Simplest setup
Short transactions, not very sensitive to locking problems
Separate transactions for business processes and delegates; rollback of the business process won’t undo what delegates did
With externally managed transactions, we can still do this if we want
Activiti’s general solution for compensation
In general, rollback is not possible for a service task. The task might have sent an e-mail, which can’t be undone.
Activiti’s general solution is to use compensation handlers. A service task can have a compensating task defined; which is task that compensates the actions of the service task. For example, if the original service task used an external web service to create a hotel booking, the compensating task can cancel the booking. If an e-mail is sent, maybe the compensating task sends another e-mail telling the recipient to ignore the previous one.
In Activiti, compensate handlers can be used in a transaction subprocess. If we want to use this in our example process from above, it would look like this:

This makes the model much more complex, because you are forced to consider how to compensate tasks that can’t be naturally undone.
This is not intended as a way to roll back from unexpected exceptions in the code, but to undo earlier steps of the business process in case of an expected business exception. In fact, a normal exception won’t trigger the compensation.
Can compensate non-database side effects
Intended for premeditated business exceptions, not coding errors
Must be explicitly modelled
A compensating delegate must be created for each delegate
Activiti and externally managed transactions
Let’s go back to our simple business process:

If the only effects that our delegates cause are database changes, we don’t need to settle for Activiti’s general solution, but we can opt for a much simpler solution.
If we can have a single database transaction that spans both what Activiti does and what the delegates do, it’s trivial to `compensate' in case of failure, because we can just roll back the transaction.
Activiti supports this use case by allowing transactions to be externally managed. In this configuration, Activiti won’t start and commit transactions itself, but it will request transactions externally. The external transaction manager is free to add more to the transaction than just what Activity does.
A natural thing to do is to have Activiti and its delegates share the same transaction, so that in case of an exception, both the business process and everything the delegates did is rolled back. Also, if there are related database updates performed outside the business process, they can join the transaction as well.
One thing to keep in mind is the size (duration and data touched) of transactions. In this case, there is a single, potentially very big, transaction. While the duration is the same as the `activiti' transaction in the previous scenarios, here this transaction touches much more data, increasing the chance of locking problems.
To be more specific: If the transaction of Service Task #1
touches a
lot of data, but finishes quickly, and the transaction of
Service Task #2
touches almost nothing, but takes a very long time, no
problems are to be expected if they are executed in separate
transactions. If they are joined in the same transaction however, there
is an increased chance of deadlocks.
Automatic transaction rollback of everything on exceptions
No need to have compensating delegates
Sensitive to deadlocks when transactions take a long time
Rollback on exception can only undo database changes, not other side effects
Squeryl transactions
Squeryl manages transactions by executing code in a transaction
or an
block. They differ in that an inTransaction
block will
do nothing if it’s contained in another transaction, and create a
transaction if not. A transaction
block will always create a
transaction. This gives a quite flexible way to stack transactions.
Next are some examples in pseudocode, where we mix updating a value in
the database with transactions and exceptions, to show the result of
each one. We assume that at the start of each example, the value in the
database is A
Setting a value:
transaction {
// Database now contains B
Setting a value, then throwing an exception will cause a rollback:
transaction {
throw new Exception("Boom!")
// Database still contains A
Exception in inner inTransaction
transaction {
inTransaction {
throw new Exception("Boom!")
// Database still contains A
Inner inTransaction
block, with exception in outer transaction:
transaction {
inTransaction {
throw new Exception("Boom!")
// Database still contains A
Inner transaction
block, with exception in outer transaction. In this
case the inner one is succesfully committed:
transaction {
transaction {
throw new Exception("Boom!")
// Database now contains C
Using Squeryl as Activiti transaction manager
We can configure Activiti to use Squeryl as transaction manager, and have Squeryl return a new transaction if Activiti requests one outside an existing Squeryl transaction, and have it return the existing one otherwise.
We’ll once more use our simple process to see what we can do:

Suppose that we can start the business process with the code
. Now, if our delegates use an inTransaction
block, we
can use the following code:
inTransaction {
{% endhighlight %}
In this case, there will be a single transaction for Activiti and our
delegates. If Service Task #2
throws an exception, the changes from
Service Task #1
are rolled back, and the business process itself will
be rolled back as well. Afterwards, there will have been no changes in
the database.
Any other database access in the Squeryl block will be joined in the transaction as well:
inTransaction {
We can also start the process outside a transaction:
Now, Activiti will get a new transaction. And since the delegates are
not executed inside an existing transaction, they will each get their
own transaction as well. So if Service Task #2
throws an exception,
it’s changes will be rolled back, and the business process will also be
rolled back, but the changes from Service Task #1
will be committed!
This means that if Activiti is invoked outside a Squeryl transaction, it will behave the same as the `normal' activiti behaviour as described in `Normal situation'
Potentially, we want to join the Activiti transaction with the delegate
transactions and some code outside the process, but we want some things
to be committed independently. For that, we can use a nested
block. So if Service Task #1
contains a transaction
block instead of inTransaction
and we invoke the Activiti process
inTransaction {
If Service Task #2
throws an exception, now the changes performed by
Service Task #1
are committed because they were in a transaction
block and not an inTransaction
block, and therefore didn’t join the
existing transaction.
Note that in all cases, a Squeryl transaction is bound to a
, so anything that must run in the transaction must run on
the same thread.
Implementing transactions in practice
In one of our production applications, which Lunatech developed for an external customer, we use the setup with Squeryl as external transaction manager for Activiti. The rationale for this approach deserves some explanation.
Different database access patterns
The way we program with a rich domain model in Scala leads to fetching more data and updating more data in the database than functionally equivalent code in the previous implementation, which used a custom-built database access layer.
With the previous database access code, there were mostly fine-grained selects and column-targeted updates. With Scala, we generally populate an entire aggregate of domain classes, and after changing it we persist full classes, instead of just the fields that were changed.
This increases the chance of locking problems.
Isolation level
In general, we didn’t write our transactions to be safe under concurrency. That means we can only be certain that they behave correctly under SERIALIZABLE isolation level, which guarantees that the result of two transactions executed concurrently is the same as running those transactions sequentially.
With lower isolation levels we are vulnerable to race conditions.
Retries and side effects
With a high isolation level, there’s a significant chance of a transaction failing because of a serialization failure. The solution to that (also noted in the Postgres manual) is to have a generic retry mechanism.
Luckily, Scala’s support of higher order functions and call by name
support makes this a rather simple task in scala. We can easily create a
function retry
that will retry a block of code passed to it when that
code throws a serialization exception:
retryOnFailure {
// Some code that will be retried on serialization failure
Of course, non-database side effects can cause a problem here. If we send an e-mail in this code and the code needs to be retried three times before the transaction succesfully commits, the e-mail will be sent three times.
In general, we would need a two-phase commit system to solve this.
However, there is a degenerate case where side effects always work. Sending an e-mail won’t fail because we have a local postfix installation running. So instead of a two-phase commit we can just wait until the database transaction is committed and then perform the side effects.
We have a library for this - Lunatech Squeryl Tools.
The problem
The single biggest problem in our Scala implementation is the duration of some transactions. This at least partly due to code that requires optimisation to reduce the number of database queries. This leads to bad performance, but also to a much higher incidence of serialization failures. This is an issue because Squeryl manages a single transaction that spans a whole Activiti work-flow, whose service tasks include the code that performs a lot of database access.
Transactions really should not be longer than a couple of seconds, and the majority should be shorter than a hundred milliseconds.
Long transactions make the serialization failure solution of retrying less effective: We need much more time between retries to have a good chance of succeeding next time. Also, with a high failure rate, we need (much) more retries on average. For transactions that take more than a couple of seconds, retrying quickly becomes unfeasible and can make it impossible for any transactions to commit succesfully.
Planned solution
Our approach to solve the problem, in this case, is to determine where long transactions happen, and work towards reducing their duration and the amount of data touched. This should be combined with a general retry-mechanism with suitable delay (we can make this dynamic; based on the duration of the failed transaction) and deferred side effects.