Comparing Concurrent Programming Alternatives

Calculating π concurrently
This article is a rewrite of a blogpost about calculating π concurrently using Scala’s Future
and that was published in 2014. Two major changes that are introduced are:
Discuss alternative implementations based on Akka Streams.
Use Scala 3 instead of Scala 2 and utilise the existing Akka 2.6.14 library that was compiled with Scala 2 in a transparant fashion.
All source code shown in this article can be found here.
With the prevalence of multi-CPU computers and multi-core CPUs, the opportunity exists to speed-up the execution of applications in general and algorithms that lend themselves to parallelisation specifically.
If we look at the latter, we may find that the algorithm can be decomposed into subtasks which can be executed in parallel. Getting the final result then consists of combining the sub-results of the subtasks. There we can distinguish two cases. In the first case, the order in which the sub-results are composed doesn’t matter, whereas in the second case, it does.
An example of the first case is when the sub-results are numbers and the final result is their sum. Obviously, the order in which the numbers are added doesn’t change the result (to be complete, effects of rounding due to finite precision can impact the final result, but that’s an interesting but entirely different topic). An example where order definitely matters is if we multiply a series of matrices: if we split the multiplication into groups, calculate the product of the matrices in each group, then the order in which we combine the sub-results does matter!
In Scala, we have different tools available to write applications that execute code concurrently, and if we run this code on a multi-CPU or multi-core computer, we can achieve parallelism in the execution of this code.
A first tool we have is Akka: Akka allows us to create so-called Actors that can execute code. This execution can be triggered by sending an Actor a message. In the context of concurrent execution of code, we can imagine a system where we create a pool of Actors that execute code concurrently. This execution model allows us to implement concurrent execution of sub-tasks that fall in the first category mentioned earlier. Unless we take specific measures, we have no control over the order in which sub-results are returned. Another potential issue with an Actor based implementation is that we don’t have any flow control. What this means is that if we throw more work at an Actor than this Actor can process, work will get piled-up in a buffer (actually, the Actor’s mailbox). The conclusion is that the Actor model can be applied in a straightforward way to problems of the first type, albeit that we need to be aware of potential ordering and flow control issues. We’ll come back to this topic later when we discuss solutions to our sample problem based on Akka Streams.
A second tool we have at our disposal is Scala’s Future
. This API allows us
to tackle both of the aforementioned cases.
Let’s see how Future
can be used to implement a parallelised computation of
the number π.
Calculating π
Ok, this topic certainly has been beaten to death, but it’s easy to understand, so we may just as well use it for demonstration purposes…
I chose the Bailey—Borwein—Plouffe formula (BBP) discovered in 1995 by Simon Plouffe :

There are more efficient ways to calculate π: for example, the Chudnovsky algorithm is a series that generates about 14 digits per term! I chose to not use this algorithm as it unnecessarily adds complexity to the topic of this article.
The BBP algorithm has a very interesting property (that we won’t exploit in our case): if the calculation is performed in hexadecimal number base, the algorithm can produce any individual digit of π without calculating all the digits preceding it! In this way, it is often used as a mechanism to verify the correctness of the calculated value of π using a different algorithm.
On precision
Obviously, if we calculate an approximation of π by calculating the sum of the
first terms of the BBP formula shown earlier, we must calculate each term
with sufficient precision. If we would perform the calculation using Double
we wouldn’t be able to calculate many digits…
Let’s use BigDecimal
allows us to create numbers of practically arbitrary precision
specified in a so-called MathContext
. Let’s create some numbers with 100 digit
precision and perform a calculation with them:
scala> import java.math.MathContext
import java.math.MathContext
scala> val mc = new MathContext(100)
mc: java.math.MathContext = precision=100 roundingMode=HALF_UP
scala> val one = BigDecimal(1)(mc)
one: scala.math.BigDecimal = 1
scala> val seven = BigDecimal(7)(mc)
seven: scala.math.BigDecimal = 7
scala> println((one/seven).toString)
Each time we create a BigDecimal
number we need to specify the required
precision by supplying the corresponding MathContext. A bit clumsy, so let’s use
a Scala feature so that we use BigDecimal
in a more straightforward way:
scala> import java.math.MathContext
scala> import scala.math.{BigDecimal as ScalaBigDecimal}
scala> object BigDecimal:
def apply(d: Int)(using mc: MathContext): BigDecimal = ScalaBigDecimal(d, mc)
// defined object BigDecimal
scala> given MathContext = new MathContext(100)
lazy val given_MathContext: java.math.MathContext
scala> val one = BigDecimal(1)
one: scala.math.BigDecimal = 1
scala> val seven = BigDecimal(7)
seven: scala.math.BigDecimal = 7
scala> println((one/seven).toString)
If you’re unfamiliar with Scala’s contextual abstractions (formerly known as 'implicits'), the above may look a bit strange.
In fact it works as follows: in object BigDecimal
, we define an apply method
that has two argument lists. The purpose of the first one is obvious.
The second one takes a single argument, namely a MathContext
. This argument
(in fact, this applies to the argument list as a whole) is marked using.
What this will do is that the compiler will, in the current scope, look for
a given value of type MathContext
. The declaration
given MathContext = new MathContext(100)
meets that criterium. Hence, when
we invoke a call to the apply method in our BigDecimal
object, value mc
will automatically be passed as the second argument.
Cool, and now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s look at how we can perform the calculation.
Implementing the BBP digit extraction algorithm
An obvious way to parallelize the calculation of the BPP formula shown above up
to N terms is to split the terms into nChunks
chunks and to calculate the sum
of the terms in the chunks in parallel. When that’s done, the final result (π)
is the sum of the partial sums.
For each chunk, we need to know its offset in the sequence of terms.
Let’s generate a sequence that contains the offsets of the respective chunks for
a given N
and nChunks
Note that the latter may not divide entirely into the former, so we do a bit of
rounding that may result in calculating extra terms:
scala> val N = 3000
N: Int = 3000
scala> val nChunks = 64
nChunks: Int = 64
scala> val chunkSize = (N + nChunks - 1) / nChunks
chunkSize: Int = 47
scala> val offsets = 0 until N by chunkSize
val offsets: Range = inexact Range 0 until 3000 by 47
scala> println(s"Calculating π with ${nChunks*chunkSize} terms in $nChunks chunks of $chunkSize terms each")
Calculating π with 3008 terms in 64 chunks of 47 terms each
Next we define a method piBBPdeaPart
that will calculate the sum of n
in the BBPDEA formula, starting at term offset
def piBBPdeaPart(offset: Int, n: Int): BigDecimal =
def piBBPdeaTermI(i: Int): BigDecimal =
BigDecimal(1) / BigDecimal(16).pow(i) * (
BigDecimal(4) / (8 * i + 1) -
BigDecimal(2) / (8 * i + 4) -
BigDecimal(1) / (8 * i + 5) -
BigDecimal(1) / (8 * i + 6)
println(s"Started @ offset: $offset ")
(offset until offset + n).foldLeft((BigDecimal(0))) {
case (acc, i) => acc + piBBPdeaTermI(i)
Relatively straightforward, and time to tie everything together. Note the presence of a println statement that prints some text just before the calculation of a partial sum starts. Let’s start by launching the calculation of the sum of the chunks:
val piChunks: Future[Seq[BigDecimal]] =
for offset <- offsets
yield Future(piBBPdeaPart(offset, chunkSize))
Two things are important to note.
First we map each offset in offsets
to a Future[BigDecimal]
; it is
here that we introduce concurrency and each part of the calculation
will be scheduled for execution within an execution context (that
we haven’t provided yet). What we end up with is a sequence of Future`s.
Secondly, `Future.sequence
converts the Seq[Future[BigDecimal]]
into a
Pretty awesome.
What remains to be done is to calculate the sum of the partial sums. We can do this as follows:
val piF: Future[BigDecimal] =
If the previous was awesome, this certainly is awesome++.
Think about it: we’re performing a calculation on a Future, but it sure looks as
if we’re working on the concrete thing: piChunks
is a Future[Seq[BigDecimal]]
When we apply map on this future, we can work with a lambda that works on a
The relevant (simplified) part in the source code of Future
is as follows:
trait Future[+T] extends Awaitable[T] {
def map[S](f: T => S): Future[S] = {
Variable piF
is still a Future[BigDecimal]
So, if we want to do something with the final result, we can do this by registering
a callback via Future.onComplete
This is done as follows:
piF.onComplete {
case Success(pi) =>
val stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis
println(s"Pi: ${pi}")
val delta = pi - Helpers.piReference
Helpers.printMsg(s"|Delta|: ${delta(new MathContext(8)).abs}")
Helpers.printCalculationTime(startTime, stopTime)
case Failure(e) =>
println(s"An error occurred: ${e}")
Note that we are using a few helper functions such as printMsg
(defined in object Helpers
) to print out the
difference between the calculated value and a reference value of π (with the
latter being read from a file).
Execution context and thread pools
The above code contains almost everything that is needed. However, if we compile it, we get the following error:
[error] -- Error: /Users/ericloots/Trainingen/LBT/calculating-pi-concurrently/step_001_calculating_pi_with_futures/src/main/scala/com/lunatech/pi/Futures.scala:52:55
[error] 52 | yield Future(piBBPdeaPart(offset, chunkSize))
[error] | ^
[error] |Cannot find an implicit ExecutionContext. You might add
[error] |an (implicit ec: ExecutionContext) parameter to your method.
[error] |
[error] |The ExecutionContext is used to configure how and on which
[error] |thread pools asynchronous tasks (such as Futures) will run,
[error] |so the specific ExecutionContext that is selected is important.
[error] |
[error] |If your application does not define an ExecutionContext elsewhere,
[error] |consider using Scala's global ExecutionContext by defining
[error] |the following:
[error] |
[error] |implicit val ec: scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext =
[error] |
[error] |The following import might fix the problem:
[error] |
[error] | import
Looking at the (simplified - Scala 2) signature of Future
we see the following:
object Future {
def apply[T](body: =>T)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Future[T] = ...
So, we need to provide a so-called ExecutionContext. An ExecutionContext will provide the machinery (Threads) on which the Future code (body in the signature) will be run.
We can provide an ExecutionContext in the following way:
val fjPool = new ForkJoinPool(12)
given ExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(fjPool)
Here, we create a ForkJoinPool with 12 threads and create an ExecutionContext from it. This 'given' value will now be picked-up by our calls to Future.apply…
Following is the complete code:
package com.lunatech.pi
import java.math.MathContext
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool
import scala.concurrent.*
import scala.math.{BigDecimal as ScalaBigDecimal}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
object Main:
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =
val RunParams(iterationCount, precision) = Helpers.getRunParams(args)
Helpers.printMsg(s"Iteration count = $iterationCount - Precision = $precision")
given MathContext = new MathContext(precision)
object BigDecimal:
def apply(d: Int)(using mc: MathContext): BigDecimal = ScalaBigDecimal(d, mc)
def piBBPdeaPart(offset: Int, n: Int): BigDecimal =
def piBBPdeaTermI(i: Int): BigDecimal =
BigDecimal(1) / BigDecimal(16).pow(i) * (
BigDecimal(4) / (8 * i + 1) -
BigDecimal(2) / (8 * i + 4) -
BigDecimal(1) / (8 * i + 5) -
BigDecimal(1) / (8 * i + 6)
println(s"Started @ offset: $offset ")
(offset until offset + n).foldLeft((BigDecimal(0))) {
case (acc, i) => acc + piBBPdeaTermI(i)
val fjPool = new ForkJoinPool(Settings.parallelism)
given ExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(fjPool)
val N = iterationCount
val nChunks = Settings.BPP_chunks
val chunkSize = (N + nChunks - 1) / nChunks
val offsets = 0 to N by chunkSize
Helpers.printMsg(s"Calculating π with ${nChunks * chunkSize} terms in $nChunks chunks of $chunkSize terms each")
Helpers.printMsg(s"Threadpool size: ${Settings.parallelism}")
Helpers.printMsg(s"BigDecimal precision settings: ${summon[MathContext]}")
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis
val piChunks: Future[Seq[BigDecimal]] =
for offset <- offsets
yield Future(piBBPdeaPart(offset, chunkSize))
val piF: Future[BigDecimal] =
piF.onComplete {
case Success(pi) =>
val stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis
println(s"Pi: ${pi}")
val delta = pi - Helpers.piReference
Helpers.printMsg(s"|Delta|: ${delta(new MathContext(8)).abs}")
Helpers.printCalculationTime(startTime, stopTime)
case Failure(e) =>
println(s"An error occurred: ${e}")
Note that the number of threads in the ForkJoinPool
and the number of chunks are obtained from settings in
object Settings
. The actual value can be set as a configuration setting
and calculating-pi.bpp-chunks
When this program is executed on my laptop (a MacBook Pro with a 2,6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7 processor), it produces the following output (values of π truncated):
man [e] > calculating-pi-concurrently > calculating pi with futures > run 3000 4000 [info] running com.lunatech.pi.Main 3000 4000 Iteration count = 3000 - Precision = 4000 Calculating π with 3008 terms in 64 chunks of 47 terms each Threadpool size: 12 BigDecimal precision settings: precision=4000 roundingMode=HALF_UP Started @ offset: 0 Started @ offset: 94 Started @ offset: 141 Started @ offset: 47 Started @ offset: 188 Started @ offset: 235 Started @ offset: 282 Started @ offset: 329 Started @ offset: 423 Started @ offset: 376 Started @ offset: 470 Started @ offset: 517 [success] Total time: 1 s, completed 19 Apr 2021, 18:51:35 Started @ offset: 564 Started @ offset: 611 Started @ offset: 658 Started @ offset: 705 Started @ offset: 752 Started @ offset: 799 Started @ offset: 846 Started @ offset: 893 Started @ offset: 940 Started @ offset: 987 Started @ offset: 1034 Started @ offset: 1081 Started @ offset: 1128 Started @ offset: 1175 Started @ offset: 1222 Started @ offset: 1269 Started @ offset: 1316 Started @ offset: 1363 Started @ offset: 1410 Started @ offset: 1457 Started @ offset: 1504 Started @ offset: 1551 Started @ offset: 1598 Started @ offset: 1645 Started @ offset: 1692 Started @ offset: 1739 Started @ offset: 1786 Started @ offset: 1833 Started @ offset: 1880 Started @ offset: 1927 Started @ offset: 1974 Started @ offset: 2021 Started @ offset: 2068 Started @ offset: 2115 Started @ offset: 2162 Started @ offset: 2209 Started @ offset: 2256 Started @ offset: 2303 Started @ offset: 2350 Started @ offset: 2397 Started @ offset: 2444 Started @ offset: 2491 Started @ offset: 2538 Started @ offset: 2585 Started @ offset: 2632 Started @ offset: 2679 Started @ offset: 2726 Started @ offset: 2773 Started @ offset: 2820 Started @ offset: 2867 Started @ offset: 2914 Started @ offset: 2961 Pi: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169... |Delta|: 2.8076968E-3630 Calculation time: 1.345
Note that we set the number of chunks to 64 in this run.
What we can observe is that, with 3,008 terms, we have correctly calculated more than 3,600 digits accurately.
We can measure the effect of changing the Thread pool size on the total calculation time. The following graphs shows the relation between the two and it also shown another (orange) curve that plots the case when the system scales perfectly and unbounded.

So, we see a nearly linear speed-up by increasing the number of threads from 1 to 12. A further increase of the thread-count doesn’t yield a further linear speed-up: this may be caused by different factors, not in the least by the fact that we have a single chip processor with a shared on-chip cache. Of course, since it’s a six core CPU (with hyper-threads that don’t yield the same performance as the regular CPU threads), we don’t get a speed-up beyond 12 threads in the ForkJoinPool.
We can do another experiment by setting the number of chunks and the number of threads in the thread pool to 12. One would expect that this should be no impact. In practice however, the total execution time increases from 1.37s to 3.31s! How can that be?
The explanation can be found by looking at the following graph which plots the time to calculate each term in the series (and this for a run with 10,000 calculated terms).

We see that the time to calculate terms decreases significantly between the first term and term 4,300 at which point it reaches kind of a plateau.
As we divide the calculation into chunks, the first few chunks will determine the overall speed at which the calculation is performed: the chunk calculations are scheduled on a core (and effectively each running on a thread). The time to execute the calculation for a chunk is the sum of the time to calculate each term which is the area under the 'curve' for each thread. There’s more than an order of magnitude difference between the first chunks and the last chunks (note that the Y-axis on the graph has a logarithmic scale). This is clearly illustrated in the following graphs that has the 12 threads superimposed on it:

So it turns out that the choice of chunking the calculation is not optimal in this particular choice for the number of chunks. You should be able to figure out why increasing the number of chunks alleviates the problem.
Another approach is to spread the calculation across different threads in a round-robin fashion as illustrated in an alternative implementation in the source code.
Conclusion on the Future
Scala’s Future
API presents a very powerful way to perform asynchronous and
concurrent execution of code. Even though it may take some time to wrap one’s
head around it, once you grasp it, it’s pretty cool and very powerful.
We’ve also seen that we should "know our data" as demonstrated with the chunking versus round-robin implementation.
Now, as for π, is the approach used in this article to calculate π a realistic way to calculate this number to say multi-billion digit precision? Not really for multiple reasons.
First of all, this algorithm runs in-memory. If we consider that the current record for calculating π digits is at 50 trillion digits, there’s no computer that can hold the required size of numbers in memory.
Secondly, the algorithm is too slow compared to the algorithm that is currently used to set the record(s).
Consider that the current record holder is Timothy Mullican who calculated the first digits of π. It took 303 days to complete the calculation.
What should be mentioned though is that the code that was used to perform the calculation is y-cruncher. This C++ program has been written by Alexander Yee. Between 2010 and 2013, he and Shigeru Kondo set various records for calculating π. If you’re interested, have a look at this website.
y-cruncher utilises a different formula than the one used in this article, namely the Chudnovsky formula. Interesting to note is that earlier work by the famous, self-taught, and brilliant Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan inspired the Chudnovsky brothers to come up with their formula.
Using Akka Streams instead of Future
In the first part of the article, we implemented a concurrent version of the
calculation of π using the BBP formula using Scala’s Future
. You may also remember
that, in the introduction section of the article, we mentioned Actors as way to
introduce concurrency in code and we cited a few difficulties with this approach
such as issues with ordering and lack of flow control. It turns out however that
we can work with Actors without having to deal with the nitty-gritty details of
coding them up while at the same time obtaining ordering and flow control: for this we
will use the Akka Streams
API. In the remainder of the article, we’ll explore alternative approaches to
implement the calculation of the number π using this API.
We are not going to explain Akka Streams in detail, as there are plenty of articles that do this very well. Let’s limit ourselves to the following:
An [Akka] Stream processes a (possibly infinite) sequence of elements of a certain type.
A Stream is built from base components:
Sources: a source of elements in a Stream. The elements are of a certain type
. ASource
is a component that has a single output (and no input) -
Sinks: a termination point for elements that have run through the Stream processing chain. A
has a single input (and no output) -
Flows: an element processor with one input and one output. A
component processes elements one by one. It may filter elements out of a streams or transform them.
An Akka Stream definition that ties a
to aSink
, potentially running through one or severalFlow
components is called aRunnable Graph
. It can be considered to be a blueprint of our stream processing. In itself, this blueprint doesn’t process any elements. -
The Blueprint (a
Runnable Graph
) can be executed by running it on a so-called Materialiser. The latter is just a fancy term for one (or more than one – we’ll come back on this later in this article) Actor. The Blueprint is optimised by a process called fusing. A fused Blueprint is executed as a single entity, something to keep in mind when reading the remainder of this article. -
Akka Streams has built-in flow-control commonly referred to as providing a back pressure mechanism. The latter is a bit of a misnomer as the flow control mechanism is actually implemented as a downstream component signalling demand (i.e. being ready to process the next element) to upstream components.
Finally, there’s the concept of materialised value (which has been the source of a lot of confusion). In a nutshell: every Streams component, when run, has a materialised value associated with it. When a
Runnable Graph
is executed, each component (Source
) will have a materialised value and in the most common case, the materialised value of theSource
component passes through all downstream components and hence, it will be the materialised value of the complete stream. In some cases, it is desirable to make a specific "selection" of a materialised value of one of the Stream components and Akka Streams give one control over this.
With that behind us, let’s start coding!
Base Akka Streams implementation
Instead of using Scala’s Future
to calculate terms in the BPP formula, we will use
a Flow
component that will, upon receiving an index i
of a term, calculate the
corresponding term.
What we need is a series of indexes (as a Source
), a Flow
component to calculate
a term and finally a Sync
that will sum-up all the terms.
Let’s have a look at these in turn. The Source
that produces the indexes looks as
val indexes = Source(0 to iterationCount)
In between the Source
and the Sink
, we need to have a Stream component that
transforms an index to a term. For this, we can apply the map
combinator defined
on Source
. map
takes a function as argument and we will supply the piBBPdeaTermI
function for this.
At the other end, we need to calculate the sum of all the calculated terms. We can do
this with the following Sink
val sumOfTerms: Sink[BigDecimal, Future[BigDecimal]] =
Sink.fold[BigDecimal, BigDecimal](BigDecimal(0)) {
case (acc, term) => acc + term
There are a few things to point out here:
When looking at the type of
(annotated explicitly to point this out), we see that it accepts elements of typeBigDecimal
, but there’s a second type parameter of typeFuture[BigDecimal]
. This is the type of the materialised value of theSink
. -
is implemented withSink.fold
. This particular fold is very similar tofoldLeft
on most of Scala collections. It takes an initial value for an accumulator (theacc
variable in the code) and a function that generates a new value of the accumulator from the old value and an element (theterm
variable in the code).
The following code will build and run the complete stream:
val piF: Future[BigDecimal] = indexes
So, we start from a stream of indexes and map every index to a corresponding term
value. Then, we apply runWith(sumOfTerms)
, which will actually run the complete
blueprint on a single Actor (which is invisible to us).
Variable piF
, which has an explicit type annotation for documentation purposes, is
a Future[BigDecimal]
. It is the materialised value of the Sink
We can now print the value of π and some other stats in the same way as in the
based solution.
Let’s run this version and compare execution times between this and the Future
based version for a calculation using 10.000 terms calculated at a precision of
10.000 digits.
man [e] > calculating-pi-concurrently > calculating pi with akka streams base > run 10000 10000
[info] running com.lunatech.pi.MainAkkaStreams 10000 10000
19:28:24 INFO [] - Slf4jLogger started
Iteration count = 10000 - Precision = 10000
Calculating π with 10000 terms
BigDecimal precision settings: precision=10000 roundingMode=HALF_UP
Memory size to encode BigDecimal at precision=10000 = 2915.0 bytes
Pi: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164...
|Delta|: 2.5143328E-9998
Calculation time: 189,784
man [e] > calculating-pi-concurrently > calculating pi with akka streams base > project step_001_calculating_pi_with_futures
[info] Set current project to step_001_calculating_pi_with_futures (in build file:/Users/ericloots/Trainingen/LBT/calculating-pi-concurrently/)
man [e] > calculating-pi-concurrently > calculating pi with futures > run 10000 10000
[info] running com.lunatech.pi.Main 10000 10000
Iteration count = 10000 - Precision = 10000
Calculating π with 10048 terms in 64 chunks of 157 terms each
Threadpool size: 12
BigDecimal precision settings: precision=10000 roundingMode=HALF_UP
Pi: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164...
|Delta|: 3.8566723E-9999
Calculation time: 20,698
We see that our Akka Streams based version is about 9 times slower than the Future
based one. That’s a lot slower, but this shouldn’t be surprising: as I mentioned, the
blueprint runs on a single actor and it effectively is a single, fused piece of code.
The materialiser, an Actor to be precise, processes stream elements sequentially.
If you run the Akka Streams version, have a look at the CPU usage during the execution.
Making the fair assumption that your system has multiple CPU cores, you will see
that this program only uses one core (at 100%). What we need is to utilise the power
of the remaining cores. How do we go about that?
One approach is to try to pipeline stages in our overall flow and running these on more than a single Actor. One way to do this is to introduce so-called asynchronous boundaries. Introducing an asynchronous boundary will lead to considering the parts of the Blueprint on either side of the boundary as separate components that are no longer fused together and that will be run on separate Actors when run.
val piF: Future[BigDecimal] = indexes
With this modification, the term calculation and the folding over the terms to calculate the sum will be run on different Actors.
Does this have a measurable effect? It does: the calculation time is reduced by about 4%, which is a minor gain. The reason for this is that the calculation of a term from its index takes a lot more time than adding it to the accumulated value. In such a case, pipelining the two stages will only have a minor impact. For the sake of completeness, pipelining two stages has a maximum effect when the stages take the same time to process an element.
One thing that can be said about this Akka Streams based implementation is that it’s as concise as it gets: 3 lines of code to encode the algorithm (not counting the method that calculates a term).
So, how can we exploit the presence of multiple cores in our system? Let’s look at two alternatives in the following sections.
Using Akka Stream’s mapAsync
to introduce concurrency
One thing we can learn from the first Akka Streams based implementation is that the term calculation and the summing of the different terms differ a lot in terms of computational complexity with the former being the most complex.
If we want to speed up the calculation, we need to focus on calculating the
terms in parallel (just like in the Future
based version).
A first way to do this is to use the mapAsync
combinator on Source
(or Flow
has two argument lists. The first one takes a single argument named
: this is a number which will introduce parallel execution
of a function that transforms an element in the stream. This function is passed
as an argument in the second argument list. There’s one catch: the transformed
element value has to be wrapped in a Future
. Our calculation now looks as follows:
val piF: Future[BigDecimal] = indexes
.mapAsync(Settings.parallelism)(i => Future(piBBPdeaTermI(i)))
Do we need to introduce any asynchronous barriers to see a significant impact? Let’s just give the code a spin to check if we have a positive return from the change we made…
man [e] > calculating-pi-concurrently > calculating pi with akka streams mapAsync > run 10000 10000
[info] running com.lunatech.pi.MainAkkaStreamsMapAsync 10000 10000
21:04:12 INFO [] - Slf4jLogger started
Iteration count = 10000 - Precision = 10000
Calculating π with 10000 terms
BigDecimal precision settings: precision=10000 roundingMode=HALF_UP
Memory size to encode BigDecimal at precision=10000 = 2915.0 bytes
Pi: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164...
|Delta|: 1.4332772E-10000
Calculation time: 21,733
We’re basically on par with the original solution. Compare this implementation
with the Future
based one. I think we can agree that this one is way simpler
and easier to understand…
What mapAsync
does is to asynchronously execute the element transformation
in with up-to parallelism
actors. The order in which transformations end is
non-deterministic but the implementation of mapAsync
retains ordering of
the transformed elements. One important thing to note is that this ordering
means that implementations based on mapAsync
are subject to head-of-line
blocking: when a number of transformations are in flight, if one of them is
much slower than the other ones, [subsequent] transformations will be delayed.
Before we move to another Akka Streams based solution (based on so-called sub-streams), it’s worth to make a short detour to talk about the facilities that Akka Streams provides for logging stuff in a running stream.
Logging facilities in Akka Streams
Akka Streams has a nice way to log elements (or transformations thereof).
Let’s look at how this is done using a simple example:
val piF: Future[BigDecimal] = indexes
.log("pi-index", identity)
onElement = Attributes.LogLevels.Info,
onFinish = Attributes.LogLevels.Info,
onFailure = Attributes.LogLevels.Error)
.mapAsync(Settings.parallelism)(i => Future(piBBPdeaTermI(i)))
Assuming you have configured an SLF4J provider (such as logback in the code sample
repository), logging stuff is done by inserting a log
combinator which takes two
arguments: the first is the log name, the second is a function that transforms the
element in whatever form you’re interested in logging. Using the withAttributes
combinator, we can tweak the level at which things are logged. As can be seen from
the code, we can tweak this level for individual elements as well as for [normal]
stream completion or stream failure.
In the source code for this example, you will notice that I created an extension
that allows one to add logging in a less verbose manner.
When this extension is applied, the code thus becomes:
val piF: Future[BigDecimal] = indexes
Using Substreams to introduce concurrency
An alternative way to speed-up our calculation is to utilise Akka Substreams. One can consider Substreams as a way to de-multiplex a stream of elements.
Substreams can be created in different ways, but we’ll focus on the groupBy
takes two arguments, let’s start with the second one: this is a function f
that takes an element and which returns a key. The key will determine to which
Substream the element will be sent. When a new unique key is 'created', a corresponding new substream will be created. The idea is that f
returns a finite number
of unique key values.
The first parameter maxSubstreams
is the maximum number of supported active substreams: if this value is exceeded, the complete stream will fail. The following code segment shows
the splitting of our main stream into Substreams:
// A key generator which cycles through the sequence
// 0, 1, ..., Settings.parallelism
val genKey: Int => Int = (index: Int) => index % Settings.parallelism
val piF: Future[BigDecimal] = indexes
.groupBy(maxSubstreams = Settings.parallelism, genKey)
Next, we can perform the calculation of the terms in each Substream by mapping over each index. Also, we can calculate the sum of all the terms in each Substream:
val calculateSum =
case (acc, term) => acc + term
val piF: Future[BigDecimal] = indexes
.groupBy(maxSubstreams = Settings.parallelism, genKey)
.map(index => piBBPdeaTermI(index))
.via(calculateSum) // Calculate partial sum
With this, we will have Settings.parallelism
Substreams that each generate one
value. In order to calculate the total sum of the terms, we should
merge the Substreams into one Stream. We can do this with the mergeSubstreams
combinator. We can complete the calculation in the same manner as in the previous
The stream processing now looks as follows:
val piF: Future[BigDecimal] = indexes
.groupBy(maxSubstreams = Settings.parallelism, genKey)
.map(index => piBBPdeaTermI(index))
.via(calculateSum) // Calculate partial sum
.via(calculateSum) // Calculate sum of partial sums
An important note about the mergeSubstreams
combinator is that it takes
elements from the Substreams as they arrive. This means in our case is that the
order in which the subtotals are added isn’t deterministic.
When we run this code, we observe that, in terms of performance, we’re back to square one. This is because our Blueprint is optimised, fused and run on a single actor. We can fix this by adding an asynchronous boundary in the right location like shown in the final version of the stream processing:
val piF: Future[BigDecimal] = indexes
.groupBy(maxSubstreams = Settings.parallelism, genKey)
.map(index => piBBPdeaTermI(index)).async // Add an asynchronous boundary
If we compare the different implementations of the calculation, we see that the
based ones (the Chunk based one, with a sufficiently high number of
chunks, and the round-robin one) and the Akka Streams based ones, we can
conclude that their performance is on par.
The source code repository shows two more Akka Streams based implementations. These make use of the so-called Akka Streams Graph API and the balancer/merge approach respectively.
With this, we come to the end of this article. We have implemented a CPU-bound
computation and managed to exploit our computer’s multi-processing (or multi-core
processing) capabilities using two very different approaches. First we used Scala’s
API followed by an Akka Streams based approach.
We have seen that the Future
based implementation is more low level than the Akka
Streams based one. Also, the latter produces more concise code and has more 'knobs'
to control the concurrency of the execution.
Another important feature of Akka Streams is that it implements flow control (aka back-pressure) which is important when we have to process a very large number (or even an indeterminate number) of elements: the slowest stream processing component in the overall flow will dictate the rate at which elements are produced upstream.