Boss Benelux User Group, 8 June 2007

Lunatech Research will host a first JBoss Benelux User Group meeting on 8 June 2007, with a presentation by Tom Baeyens, founder and lead for JBoss jBPM.
Date: Friday, 8 June 2007
Time: Arrive 1700-1800, presentations start 1800, finish 2000-2100.
Location: Lunatech Research, Rotterdam
Programme: The programme will begin with a presentation on Java Process Description Language by Tom Baeyens, founder and lead for JBoss jBPM, which he also presented at JavaOne. For more about jPDL, see Tom’s blog and his longer article about The Process Virtual Machine.
We are still working on the programme, and are planning to include another presentations-and-discussion session about EJB 3 and/or JBoss Seam. And beer, of course.