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LunaConf 2024: A Memorable Gathering

Hackaton By CESI

Lunatech Advisory Board Member At Scala Center!

Hack In The Woods: Programming For Fun And Good

Tensorflow Dev Summit, Sunnyvale March 6-7 2019

Friday's Internal Workshop

A Journey Into Google Cloud At Devoxx

Nvidia GPU Technology Conference In Munich

Reactive Summit Montreal 2018

New Partnership With Mesosphere And Dutch Mesos User Group

Curry on 2018 impressions

Curry on Amsterdam 2018

Dutch Clojure Meetup

A journey into Joy of Coding 2018

Scala Days 2018 review

Lunatech Platinum Sponsor Scala Days 2018 Berlin

NN Rotterdam Marathon 2018

Apache Spark for Scala Training - 2nd Session at Lunatech

Lightbend Spark for Scala-Professional by Kensu

Snowcamp and Touraine Tech

Functional Rotterdam-15

Meet and Greet and Scala Days review

Functional Rotterdam -10-

Summer Fast Track To Scala Training By Lunatech

Clever Cloud’s CEO to speak at Lunatech

On the road again - Scala days Berlin 2016

Platinum sponsor of Scala Days Berlin

Our first award!

Functional Rotterdam - 5th Edition

Lunatech management realises MBO

Sdu Royal Ten - 10km business run

Third Monthly Clojure Meetup at Lunatech

Lunatech Hosts and Sponsors Clojure Meetup

Rotterdam Business Marathon

Typesafe at 010DEV

The Joy of Coding 2013

Lunatech presents Play at GOTO Amsterdam 2012

Lunatech presents Play at GeeCON 2012

First 010DEV event

Reflections on Scala Days 2012

Jfokus 2012 Play Framework 2.0 presentation video

Java Spotlight podcast - Play 2.0 & Akka 2.0

Play rescues kittens at Jfokus

Lunatech presents at Scala Stockholm

Lunatech presents Play at Jfokus 2012

February Play!ground presentations and photos

February 2012 Play!ground at Paddy Murphy’s

January 2012 Play!ground presentation slides

Geo Freedom Day 2011

Official Government Publications - ODF Plugfest presentation

Devoxx 2011 tips

Play framework meet-up at Devoxx

December Play!ground in Rotterdam

RivieraDEV - the official pictures

Lunatech at the RivieraDEV

Duse XIV - Exploring Lightweight Event Sourcing

Duse XIV at Lunatech Research

Play!ground presentation slides & code

September Play!ground in Rotterdam

Fronteers at Lunatech. WTF?

JavaZone Play framework presentation video

Lunatech presents Play Framework at JavaZone 2011

August Play!ground presentation slides & video

Riviera JUG news

Riviera DEV

Lunatech Invitational Golf Event 2011

Three Scrum benefits (video)

The myth of the on-site customer

10 Devoxx tips

Play framework meet-up at Devoxx 2010

Presentations - Drools and the perfect programmer at 42

Lunatech attending the 2nd Paris JUG anniversary

Back from FOSDEM - the NoSQL trend

Lunatech attending the 2nd Paris JUG anniversary

Lunatech live from Paris

Kalydo bringing MMO games to Social Networks

Support for original language in Accept-Language header

2 octobre 2009 @Sophia-Antipolis - Sophia fait sa Java

Lunatech Golf Invitational 2009

Kalydo presents GamePro at Siggraph 2009

15 juillet 2009 @Sophia-Antipolis - soirée Agile

Benelux JBoss User Group, 22 May 2009 slides

Groovy and Grails meetup on Thursday May 7th

Benelux JBoss User Group, 22 May 2009

Benelux JBoss User Group, 27 February 2009

Seam meetup at Devoxx

Mini-conférence Java EE le 14 janvier 2009 à Sophia-Antipolis

Lunatech at the JBug.be this Friday

Nouvelles technologies de développement - FPI 2008 in Nice

Benelux JBoss User Group, 20 June 2008

Benelux JBoss User Group, 29 February - photos

Benelux JBoss User Group, 29 February 2008

Lunatech at JavaPolis 2007

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Benelux JBoss User Group, 2 November 2007 - photos

Benelux JBoss User Group, 2 November 2007

Amsterdam Java Meetup, 21 September 2007

Boss Benelux User Group, 8 June 2007