RESTful web services in Java EE with RESTEasy (JAX-RS)

Suppose we have a web application, where one can access and edit catalogues or inventory. We have a nice web site with lots of pages and nice user interface, wizards and all the web 2.0 buzzwords (ever notice how that attracts buzzards?). The web site is very useful for people and they find it nice.
Now since we are talking about catalogues and inventory, we want our web site to be useful for companies doing inventory management. They have a different expectation: integration. They want their existing system’s data to be loaded (and managed) automatically from their existing system into our web site, which was designed for real people rather than remote programs.
At this point we have to start thinking about how to allow remote programmatic access to our web site’s back-end, where we store our catalogue and inventory data. We store this data in a database, but we don’t want to allow outside people access in our precious database, where they could bypass all the security and validation that we have built in the layers above our database in our web application.
We are using Java persistence to map database rows and tables to POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects using Java annotations to describe the database mapping). These are called Entity Java Beans in the EJB 3 (Enterprise Java Beans 3) jargon.
Our two main such entities are:
, which represents a catalogue or inventory item, and -
, which represents the owner of a catalogue, or item.
We even have a nice tier-based decoupling of our web application:
the web interface tier, responsible for the user interface,
the business logic tier, the middle-man between the tiers above and below, and
the persistence tier, which comes down to storing the data accessed and displayed by the other tiers.
Obviously if we want to allow remote access and manipulation of data with security and validation, the remote interface on the server side has to have access to the persistence tier, and possibly some of the business logic tier if validation or security resides there.
Our goal is then to provide access to our Item
and Person
via web services.
web services are so hyped at the moment, so we will try that.
The rest of this article describes our existing architecture, the introduction of RESTful web services within our architecture, its effects and how we did it.
Our existing architecture
In the introduction I mentioned the traditional tier-based organisation of our web application. With a little bit more detail, this is how they are implemented:
Web interface tier: Java Facelets
Business logic tier: stateful session beans which pass along the web interface requests to the persitence tier
Persistence tier: stateless session beans (DAO: Data Access Objects) which provide access to the database layer through entity beans
All of these tiers are integrated with Seam, the framework we use to ease the implementation of each tier, and the interaction between them.
Security is usually found in the web interface tier, if only to forbid the users from accessing functions they are not privileged to execute. In the context of a web interface though, this is not enough because hiding a link from a web page does not prevent a malicious user from accessing it by hand (through other tools than the website). So a similar layer of security is traditionally found on the business logic tier, which restricts privileged actions. Once we have been privileged to run the business logic actions, there may or may not be another layer of security in the persistence tier. In our case there isn’t: all the security is done in the first two tiers.
Validation is another troublesome subject: we need to make sure that the
data provided by the user (via the web site or using a web service) is
valid. The
Persistence API describes a number of validation annotations which can
be put on persisted properties, such as the traditional SQL (Structured
Query Language) constraints NOT NULL
. In fact they only
provide constraints which can be mapped in SQL. For higher-level
constraints, which could only be expressed in Java, we have to look
elsewhere. Our particular implementation of Java Persistence,
Hibernate, provides a few more
as well as higher-level customisable constraints that fit our needs.
These constraints (Java Persistence or Hibernate) are only appropriate
on our entities Item
and Person
, but there is often validation done
in the web tier (checking that a text field contains a valid number
before trying to give it as a number to the business logic tier) or in
the business logic tier for validation which cannot be located on
entities themselves (does a given Person
instance exist?).
The exact way to distribute the validation constraints between the three tiers and the techniques used to do so will be the purpose of another lengthy article of mine, so I will not go into much detail here aside from mentioning that the only validation relevant to our needs for the web services will be located in the persistence tier (the stateless DAO EJBs and entities).
Our entities
Our two main entities are Item
and Person
The Person
A Person
A unique key in a certain format
A unique valid email address (RFC-822)
An optional name (which is only optional if the organisation name is not given)
An optional organisation name (which is only optional if the name is not given)
Here is its implementation class:
public class Person implements Serializable {
// Persisted property fields
private long id;
@Column(unique = true)
@Pattern(regex = "^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]+$")
private String key;
@Column(unique = true)
private String emailAddress;
// we cannot put @NotEmpty here since it can be empty if organisationName is not empty
private String name;
// we cannot put @NotEmpty here since it can be empty if name is not empty
private String organisationName;
// Validation methods
private boolean isValid(){
// this is simplistic but good enough for an example
if(name != null && name.trim().length() > 0)
return true;
return (organisationName != null && organisationName.trim().length() > 0);
// Persisted properties methods (getters and setters)
All the annotations here come either from Java Persistence or Hibernate,
except the @NonLocalEmailAddress
annotation which is our own Hibernate
validator annotation. This annotation is linked to a custom validator
which will be invoked by Hibernate when validating the contents of the
annotated property. It will in our case check that the emailAddress
property is a valid non-local email address according to RFC-822.
The Item
An Item
A non-empty name
An optional description
A catalogue owner
A reference (unique by owner)
A generated key (combining the owner key and the reference)
@Table(uniqueConstraints = { @UniqueConstraint(columnNames = { "reference", "owner" }) })
public class Item implements Serializable {
// Persisted property fields
private long id;
private String description;
@Column(nullable = true)
private Item owner;
private String reference;
// Persisted properties methods (getters and setters)
// Transient properties methods
public String getKey(){
return owner.getKey() + '-' + reference;
Our DAOs
Our DAOs will not check for validation in this case, because it is handled by the persistence layer. Should we try to persist an invalid entity, the persistence layer will throw an exception and the transaction will be rolled-back.
Here are the interfaces (their implementations do not matter much) for
public interface PersonDAO {
public Person findByKey(String key);
public class PersonDAOBean implements PersonDAO {
And for Item
public interface ItemDAO {
public Item findByKey(String key);
public Set<String> findItemKeys(Person catalogueOwner);
public void merge(Item oldItem);
public void persist(Item newItem);
public class ItemDAOBean implements ItemDAO {
Choosing our RESTful framework
In Java, the JSR-311 (JAX-RS) seems to be the way to go to start developing RESTful web services. While the JSR is not finished yet, it provides support for POJO RESTful web services using annotations.
Its reference implementation, Jersey, was not chosen because we had trouble integrating it well with EJB3 and Seam.
We are using the RESTEasy implementation of JAX-RS, because we had no trouble integrating it with our EJBs and Seam. It also has sufficient documentation.
There is another implementation from Apache, but I haven’t tried it because it uses an older version of JAX-RS.
Finally there is yet another framework for RESTful web services for Java called Restlet but we did not favour it because at the time of this writing, it is using a custom architecture, even though proper JAX-RS support is in the works.
Terminology and architecture
RESTEasy can scan your JAR file for classes annotated with the @Path annotation which specify that the annotated class is a RESTful resource handler.
It can also use JNDI lookups to register EJBs as resource handlers. This
is more useful for us since it allows us to use Seam components with
injection and transactions, which is why we are using this alternative.
Our two resource EJBs will be RESTItem
and RESTPerson
We are using JAXB to serialise and unserialise persistent entities
to/from XML. Basically we annotate our persistent entities with the few
JAXB annotations required to describe the XML structure. If we want to
separate the XML into several resources, we use XML IDs to map
persistent IDs to XML pointers. In order to do this we need to specify
our own JAXB provider to JAX-RS, which is a class in control of how
JAXB-annotated classes will be serialised and deserialised. Our JAXB
provider will be JAXBProvider
This JAXB provider has to be registered within RESTEasy. Once registered
we will use a custom IDResolver class of our own making to allow
unresolved XML IDs (which are not in the XML document sent to us by the
user) to be loaded from the persistence layer. Our custom IDResolver
will be EntityIDResolver
Deploying RESTEasy under JBoss AS
We decided to download the latest version of RESTEasy as of this writing, which is 1.0-beta7
Once you have downloaded it, add at least the following jars to your project:
You have to include these files in your EAR’s lib/
folder because we
are not using their web application setup.
Next, configure your web.xml
to start the RESTful servlet which maps
your RESTful resources under the prefix /rest/
<!-- RESTful servlet adapter -->
<!-- We need to specify our own JAXB provider, but also
the default ones we do not want to lose -->
We want to use EJB3 components to handle RESTful requests.
These names depend on your JNDI naming pattern.
Changes in the persistence entities
In order to be able to serialise and deserialise our entities using JAXB, we only need to add a few annotations on our entities:
@XmlRootElement on our entity classes
@XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE) on our entity classes, in order for JAXB to only consider explicitely annotated members for serialisation
@XmlElement on any property we want to serialise
@XmlID on a property used as a foreign key
@XmlIDREF on a property which should be serialised as a pointer (foreign key) rather than by serialising its content
Here is our JAXB-annotated Person
public class Person implements Serializable {
// Persisted property fields
private long id;
@Column(unique = true)
@Pattern(regex = "^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]+$")
private String key;
@Column(unique = true)
private String emailAddress;
// we cannot put @NotEmpty here since it can be empty if organisationName is not empty
private String name;
// we cannot put @NotEmpty here since it can be empty if name is not empty
private String organisationName;
And for our Item
@Table(uniqueConstraints = { @UniqueConstraint(columnNames = { "reference", "owner" }) })
public class Item implements Serializable {
// Persisted property fields
private long id;
private String description;
@Column(nullable = true)
private Item owner;
private String reference;
// Transient properties methods
public String getKey(){
return owner.getKey() + '-' + reference;
We can now serialise and deserialise our entities to/from XML using JAXB.
Our JAXB provider
In JAX-RS we can register an object responsible for reading/writing to a
given MIME type. In our case we want to be able to serialise/deserialise
any JAXB-annotated object to XML using the application/xml
MIME type
but also all subformats of XML using the application/*+xml
In order to do that we define the following provider:
@Consumes( { "application/xml", "application/*+xml" })
@Produces( { "application/xml", "application/*+xml" })
public class JAXBProvider implements MessageBodyReader<Object>,
MessageBodyWriter<Object> {
public boolean isReadable(Class<?> type, Type genericType, Annotation[] annotations,
MediaType mediaType) {
return type.isAnnotationPresent(XmlRootElement.class);
public Object readFrom(Class<Object> type, Type genericType,
Annotation[] annotations,
MediaType mediaType,
MultivaluedMap<String, String> httpHeaders,
InputStream entityStream)
throws IOException {
try {
JAXBContext jaxb = JAXBContext.newInstance(type);
Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jaxb.createUnmarshaller();
// set our own IDResolver because we want to resolve our XML IDs from the database
unmarshaller.setProperty(IDResolver.class.getName(), new EntityIDResolver());
Object obj = unmarshaller.unmarshal(entityStream);
if (obj instanceof JAXBElement)
obj = ((JAXBElement<?>) obj).getValue();
if (!type.isInstance(obj))
throw new WebApplicationException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);
return obj;
catch (WebApplicationException e) {
throw e;
catch (Throwable e) {
throw new WebApplicationException(e);
public long getSize(Object arg0) {
return -1;
public boolean isWriteable(Class<?> type, Type genericType,
Annotation[] annotations, MediaType mediaType) {
return type.isAnnotationPresent(XmlRootElement.class);
* Marshalls any JAXB object to XML.
public void writeTo(Object object, Class<?> type, Type genericType,
Annotation[] annotations, MediaType mediaType,
MultivaluedMap<String, Object> httpHeaders,
OutputStream entityStream)
throws IOException {
try {
JAXBContext jaxb = JAXBContext.newInstance(object.getClass());
Marshaller marshaller = jaxb.createMarshaller();
marshaller.marshal(object, entityStream);
catch (Exception e) {
throw new WebApplicationException(e);
You will have noticed the use of JAX-RS
to wrap internal exceptions, and sometimes set the HTTP response code.
This exception will be caught by our JAX-RS provider (RESTEasy) and used
to construct the HTTP response. It is also possible to specify more
elements of the response by building a
object and passing it as parameter to the WebApplicationException
In order to be able to resolve XML IDs from our database, here is our
implementation of EntityIDResolver
public class EntityIDResolver extends IDResolver {
public void bind(final String id, final Object value) throws SAXException {}
public Callable<?> resolve(final String id, final Class type) throws SAXException {
return new Callable<Object>() {
public Object call() throws Exception {
if (type == Person.class) {
// use some uninteresting JNDI lookup to get our EJB DAOs
PersonDAO personDAO = lookupEJB(PersonDAOBean.class);
Person person = personDAO.findByKey(id);
if (person != null)
return person;
new SAXException(new WebApplicationException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND));
if (type == Item.class) {
// use some uninteresting JNDI lookup to get our EJB DAOs
ItemDAO itemDAO = lookupEJB(ItemDAOBean.class);
Item item = itemDAO.findByKey(id);
if (item != null)
return item;
new SAXException(new WebApplicationException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND));
return null;
Once again in this code we use WebApplicationException
to specify the
response HTTP status, even though we wrap it in SAXException
so that
the JAXB stack will unwrap it.
Our REST item resource
Now we can get to the real JAX-RS web services.
Since we are using Seam EJB components as resources, we need to split the resource into implementation bean and interface. This allows us to put all the JAX-RS annotations on the interface and keep our implementation bean clean and lighter.
The RESTItem resource interface
// This declares the global path mapping of these resources
// This declares that we produce both JAXB entities, and plain text error messages
@Produces( { "application/xml", "text/plain" })
public interface RESTItem {
* Gets a list of all the Item entities, with the optional "creator" query parameter.
* @param creatorKey optional query parameter used to filter the returned Item entities.
// this defines a mapping for the GET HTTP method
// the @QueryParam annotation will cause the value of the "creator" HTTP query parameter
// to be injected into our method argument
public ItemList getItems(@QueryParam("creator") String creatorKey);
* Posts a new Item object
* @param newItem the new Item object to persist
* @param uriInfo an object used to determine the location of the new Item resource.
// this defines a mapping for the POST HTTP method
// the @Context annotation will cause the method argument to be provided
// by the JAX-RS container
public Response postItem(Item newItem, @Context UriInfo uriInfo);
* Gets an Item object
* @param key the XML ID of the object to retreive
// this defines an additional path parameter to the global prefix
// the @PathParam annotation will cause the value of the "key" HTTP path parameter
// to be injected into our method argument
public Item getItem(@PathParam("key") String key);
* Updates an Item object
* @param key the XML ID of the object to update
* @param newItem the new Item object to update
* @param uriInfo an object used to determine the location of the new Item resource.
public void putItem(@PathParam("key") String key, Item newItem,
@Context UriInfo uriInfo);
We use the Response
return value for POST in order to specify the HTTP
header for the newly created Item
, as well as the 201
(Created) HTTP status code.
The RESTful API mapping
Our annotated RESTItem
class will map the following URLs to the
following results:
Method |
mime type |
result |
/rest/items |
application/xml |
Retreives a list of Item XML IDs |
/rest/items |
application/xml |
Creates a new Item object |
/rest/items/{key} |
application/xml |
Retrieves an Item instance |
/rest/items/{key} |
application/xml |
Updates an Item instance |
The RESTItem implementation
public class RESTItemBean implements RESTItem {
private ItemDAO itemDAO;
private PersonDAO personDAO;
// JAXB Collection wrappers
// We use this wrapper class in order to avoid loading Item objects
// from the persistence tier when we only want to return their keys
@XmlRootElement(name = "list")
public static class ItemList {
@XmlElement(name = "itemLink")
private List<String> itemLinks;
public ItemList() {}
public ItemList(final List<String> itemLinks) {
this.itemLinks = itemLinks;
// REST services
public ItemList getItems(final String creatorKey){
List<String> itemKeyList;
if(creatorKey != null){
Person creator = personDAO.findByKey(creatorKey);
if(creator == null)
throw new WebApplicationException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND);
itemKeyList = itemDAO.findItemKeys(creator);
itemKeyList = itemDAO.findItemKeys(null);
return new ItemList(itemKeyList);
public Response postItem(final Item newItem, UriInfo uriInfo);
// Now we have to find the URI that can be used to retrieve the newly created object
// The UriInfo object is used to locate the URI corresponding to RESTItem.getItem
// The method takes arguments which will replace path parameters
URI newURI = uriInfo.getBaseUriBuilder().path("RESTItem", "getItem")
return Response.created(newURI).build();
}catch(Throwable t){
throw processValidationError(t);
public Item getItem(String key){
Item item = itemDAO.findByKey(key);
if(item == null)
throw new WebApplicationException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND);
return item;
public void putItem(String key, Item newItem, UriInfo uriInfo){
Item oldItem = itemDAO.findByKey(key);
if(oldItem == null)
throw new WebApplicationException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND);
}catch(Throwable t){
throw processValidationError(t);
Handling validation errors
As you have no doubt observed, there is no attempt at validation for
entities we receive and store. This is done entirely using the
annotations in our entities when the persistence layer will attempt to
merge or persist them. In the case of validation error, an exception
will be thrown by the DAO, which we catch and handle in the
Validation error processing
public WebApplicationException processValidationError(Throwable x) {
Throwable cause = x;
// We need to do some unwrapping of exception first
while (cause != null) {
if (cause instanceof WebApplicationException)
return (WebApplicationException) cause;
if (cause instanceof InvalidStateException)
if (cause instanceof BatchUpdateException)
cause = ((SQLException) cause).getNextException();
cause = cause.getCause();
// This is a Persistence exception with information
if (cause instanceof InvalidStateException) {
InvalidStateException e = (InvalidStateException) cause;
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
// Construct a "readable" message outlining the validation errors
for (InvalidValue invalidValue : e.getInvalidValues())
stringBuilder.append(invalidValue.getPropertyName()).append(": ")
new WebApplicationException(Response.status(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST)
return new WebApplicationException(x, HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR);
Final thoughts and conclusion
The RESTPerson
features nothing new compared to RESTItem
and is
therefore left as an exercise for the reader.
Hibernate validation constraints can be localised, not the EJB ones, but Hibernate provides similar validation constraints to EJB with proper localisation.
Handling errors and providing meaningful HTTP responses is not easy, and
in our real code I have favoured using the Response
object as a return
type for every RESTful method, for consistency, and because we had
strict specifications that forced us to include a blurb of text on top
of success responses as well as error responses.
There were a few bugs we had to fix in RESTEasy by hand throughout our exercise, but that was alright because they provide their sources, and they’re fairly small and compact, so we can’t complain.
We have finished our first version of our RESTful web services for VisibleLogistics using the techniques outlined in this article, so you can expect to see them put to some public test shortly.
Always on the bleeding edge.