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Riviera JUG news

Riviera DEV

We have moved on to git, why haven't you?

A functional programming puzzle

New open-source libraries

jax-doclets version 0.7 released

Automatic resource link discovery with RESTEasy and Atom links

Unit-testing AJAX code with Maven

Lunatech live from Paris

Generating scalable barcodes with iText and Seam

Using Hibernate on old Solid databases

Support for original language in Accept-Language header

2 octobre 2009 @Sophia-Antipolis - Sophia fait sa Java

Debugging deadlocks in JPA and PostgreSQL

What every web developer must know about URL encoding

Mini-conférence Java EE le 14 janvier 2009 à Sophia-Antipolis

Generating KML for RESTful clients

Bean validation in Java EE

RESTful web services in Java EE with RESTEasy (JAX-RS)