Nouvelles technologies de développement - FPI 2008 in Nice

Last week Stephane Epardaud and Nicolas Leroux, senior software developers at Lunatech Research, presented \"Nouvelles technologies de développement en JEE\" at the Forum des Professions Informatique 2008 in Nice.
The conference was organised by the University of Nice and it was rather pleasant to discuss with the students and other I.T. professionals. Thanks again for the invitations.
This is also the start of a new Open Source project that will be used as a show case for new technologies (JBoss Seam, JPA, EJB 3, Hibernate Search, etc…). The project is available here. We will try to write some nice tutorials and articles about it. More to come on this web, so keep posted.
In the meantime, you can download the presentation slides in French (PDF, 0.5 Mb).
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