Kalydo bringing MMO games to Social Networks

Game Entertainment Europe, publisher of Online games and Eximion, developer of the Kalydo 3D browser game platform have signed an agreement to bring downloadable MMO games to Social Networks such as Facebook and Netlog.
The first game that will be launched is Hovorun, a casual multi player racing game based in the Mario Kart theme. The planning is to launch the first browser version of this game to social networks such as Hyves and Netlog.
Existing downloadable MMO games will be seamlessly ported so users can start and play these games in a Web browser. When ready, the online games will be offered to millions of users in Social Networks using Kalydo. With this cooperation both companies follow the success of other Social Games like Restaurant City, Mafia Wars and Farm Ville, where users don’t have to register, download and install games. Also it is very easy to share the game and their game results with many of their friends.
“For this cooperation GEE will focus on the selection of the best Online Games from the enormous offering of downloadable MMO games we have. We will localize and promote the games but we can leave the transformation to a browser based game and the distribution to the Social Networks to Eximion. An excellent combination.” according to Richard van Barneveld, CEO of Game Entertainment Europe.
“We want to show the world its now perfectly possible to run large MMO games from the browser. Combining smart engineering, bleeding edge technology such as cloud computing we bring these games to the browser, omitting the need of a large download and installation. Together with Game Entertainment Europe we make the first MMO games widely accessible to a huge group of people on the social networks.” says Doki Tops – CEO at Kalydo