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A functional programming puzzle

21 Mar 2011

min read

This article describes a functional programming puzzle that we had to solve in order to implement a JavaScript templating system. It is a very simple problem (to explain), with a very simple solution (in size and complexity) that was not easy to find. We will describe the problem and its solution here because it is not specific to JavaScript (it is mostly functional-language neutral) and the solution has been a eureka moment to most people who found it or learned about it." ---

Although this article will be easier to read if you have a functional programming background (and/or are advanced JavaScript programmers), we will do our best to introduce procedural programmers into the problems and techniques described.

The problem

The problem at hand is pretty straightforward: We want to write a JavaScript templating system that lets me define new variables in environments (lexical scopes) that we can manipulate.

About lexical scopes

An example will help explaining. Suppose the following syntax directly stolen from Groovy templates in the Play framework:

#{list items:[1,2,3], var: 'i'}
 #{list items:[4,5], var: 'j'}
  ${i * j}

In this example, there are two list tags, which iterate over a list and define a new variable inside their lexical scope, to hold the current iteration value. You can think of them exactly as the Java (and many other languages) foreach:

for(int i : new int[]{1,2,3}){
 for(int j : new int[]{4,5}){
  System.out.println(i * j);

In a lexical scope you can only access variables defined in the current scope or the scopes that contain your scopes lexically. In Java you would say you can only see variables defined in the current block, or containing blocks (plus arguments, fields and statics). Once you get out of a lexical scope, all the variables of that scope become unbound (undefined).

Why we need to deal with scopes

Now, suppose we want to implement the previous templating example in JavaScript. We need to be able to:

  1. evaluate the first list "[1,2,3]"

  2. define a new scope s1 where i := 1

  3. evaluate the second list "[4,5]" in the s1 scope

  4. define a new scope s2, which extends s1, where j := 4

  5. evaluate "i * j" in the s2 scope

  6. get back to the s1 scope (when the inner list terminates)

  7. get back to the initial scope (when the outer list terminates)

And the only tool we possess in JavaScript for evaluating an expression is eval(s) which evaluates a string as JavaScript code and returns the value of the evaluation.

Other functional languages (yes JavaScript is a functional programming language) let you define environments and pass them to eval (such as Scheme), but not JavaScript.

Because JavaScript’s eval does not let us deal with environments, we have to do it ourselves. Of course writing a new evaluator is out of the question, so we´ll have to use our brains to find a solution.

The hunt for the solution

Now that we have explained the problem, let us say that we need a function that takes in some code as text (either an expression, or a statement) and an environment, and returns either the expression’s evaluated value (for an expression), or a new environment (in the case of a statement).

At this point you can stop reading this article if you want to solve the puzzle yourself, then come back here later to either check that your working solution is the same one (we’re interested in other solutions), or to read hints that should help you find the solution.

The rest of the article describes iterations that led to our solution.

How to capture an environment

We will begin with a quick explanation of a technique often used by JavaScript developers who may not know its name or how it works exactly.

In JavaScript, you only have two scopes: global scope and lexical scope. Whenever you enter a function you extend the current environment with new variables. You can think of the current environment as a linked list of all the containing lexical scopes: from the innermost function until the outermost function. Whenever you access a variable, that variable is looked up in the current environment (the containing function), and if that variable is not defined there, it will be looked up in the parent environment (the function containing the current function), and again all the way until either we find that varible in a parent containing function, or until the global environment.

Let us illustrate this with an example:


In this example we define a function foo which declared one outerParam variable, then returns a new function which defines one innerParam variable. When we invoke foo(2) we get inside the function with a current environment (we can name it e1) which binds the outerParam variable to 2, then we return the inner function and store it in a.

That inner function keeps a reference to its environment (e1) for when we will invoke it, because the code of that inner function references a variable bound in e1. This is called capturing the environment.

When we then invoke that function with a(3), we create a new environment (let´s name it e2) which extends the captured e1 with the variable innerParam bound to 3.

Finding the general idea

JavaScript’s eval always evaluates the code in the current lexical scope, which means that any variable you define inside the eval will only be visible in the current scope, which is not something we can manipulate.

On the other hand, we know of a way to define a new scope: defining a new function. You can define a new function and return it outside of eval and it will capture that variable. Because when we capture the environment, we can exit the current lexical scope and yet keep a reference to the environment (and all defined variables therein) which we can use later. You can manipulate a function, so this is good, we’re getting somewhere.

Let us try to see how we can define a new scope where i = 2*6 and we can retrieve that variable later on.

function evalInEnv(){
  return eval("(function (){ var i = 2*6; return i; })");
var capturedEnvironment = evalInEnv();
assertEquals(12, capturedEnvironment());

The evalInEnv function returns a function, which represents our captured environment. We later invoke this function to get values out of the captured environment. We’re getting somewhere, we’ve found that an environment has to be a function.

Dealing with side-effects

Now the problem with our first solution is that the environment is not really captured, what we’ve done here is defer evaluation of 2*6, but every time we’re going to invoke our environment to get the value of i, we are going to re-evaluate 2*6. This is very bad because if we replace 2*6 with something that has side-effects, we are going to trigger the side-effect every time we access i.

Let us illustrate the side-effect problem with a global variable we increment:

var c = 0;
function evalInEnv(){
  return eval("(function (){ var i = c++; return i; })");
var capturedEnvironment = evalInEnv();
assertEquals(0, capturedEnvironment());
assertEquals(1, capturedEnvironment());

So we have to store the variable first, and then return a function that captures it. In order to do that we need a first scope where we define the variable, and we can do this in JavaScript by declaring a function and invoking it immediately with this syntax: (function(){ … })(). There is nothing mystical here, we’re merely:

  1. defining a new function: function()\{ … }

  2. wrapping it into an expression by surrounding it with parenthesis: (f)

  3. invoking the function by appending parenthesis: (f)()

This gives us:

var c = 0;
function evalInEnv(){
  var code = "(function (){ "
   + " var i = c++; "
   + " return function (){ return i; }"
   + "})()";
  return eval(code);
var capturedEnvironment = evalInEnv();
assertEquals(0, capturedEnvironment());
assertEquals(0, capturedEnvironment());

Extracting what we want from the environment

Our previous example is a good start but we want to be able to use any statement (var i = c++;) and evaluate any expression (i) in the new environment, so we can extend our previous example with additional parameters:

function evalInEnv(statement, expression){
  var code = "(function (){ "
   + statement
   + " return function (){ return " + expression + "; }"
   + "})()";
  return eval(code);

But this is stupid, because we’ve limited ourselves into being able to extract only a fixed expression for any given statement. We want smarter environments where once we execute a statement, we can evaluate any expressions inside that environment, so we have to move the expression parameter from evalInEnv to the environment that it returns:

function evalInEnv(statement){
  var code = "(function (){ "
   + statement
   + " return function (expression){ return eval(expression); }"
   + "})()";
  return eval(code);
var c = 0;
var capturedEnvironment = evalInEnv("var i = c++;");
assertEquals(0, capturedEnvironment("i"));
assertEquals(0, capturedEnvironment("i"));
// and to illustrate that we can modify the environment
assertEquals(1, capturedEnvironment("++i"));
assertEquals(2, capturedEnvironment("++i"));

Extending an environment

So we can define a new environment and evaluate any expression inside that environment, as well as modify that environment, but how do we extend one? In our requirements we want to be able to extend an environment with new variables and that is not possible with our current solution.

If we want our environment to be able to handle statements as well as expressions, we have to add a new parameter which tells us if we are evaluating an expression or a statement. And hey, since we already have some code that evaluates statements, let’s use recursion for that case:

function evalInEnv(statement){
  var environmentFunction = "function (code, isExpression) {"
   + " if(isExpression) return eval(code);"
   + " else return evalInEnv(code)"
   + "}";
  var code = "(function (){ "
   + statement
   + " return " + environmentFunction
   + "})()";
  return eval(code);
var c = 0;
var e1 = evalInEnv("var i = c++;");
assertEquals(0, e1("i", true));
assertEquals(0, e1("i", true));
// and to illustrate that we can modify the environment
assertEquals(1, e1("++i", true));
assertEquals(2, e1("++i", true));
// now let's extend the environment
var e2 = e1("var j = i;", false);
assertEquals(2, e2("j", true));

If you try to run this you’ll get the following error when you try to extend the environment:

ReferenceError: i is not defined

Why do we get this error? Because of recursion. The i variable is bound in the lexical scope of the function in e1, but as soon as this function invokes evalInEnv it moves into a new lexical scope: that of a new call to evalInEnv. When using recursion in lexically-scoped variables, the variables bound in the caller function are not bound in the callee function. This is actually part of the definition of a lexical scope.

So we can´t use recursion for extending the environment and we´re stuck.

##The eureka moment

Of course we can allow for X levels of extending the environment by not using recursion but using a manual version of a technique called inline expansion: by manually adding the code of evalInEnv as many times as needed inside the body of environmentFunction instead of using recursion. But this is a manual process that limits us to X levels of environment extension, where X is the number of times we’ve manually copied the code.

Unless… instead of using recursion and manual inlining, we use automatic inlining using a different kind of recursion. Since we want to inline the code of a function, let’s make that function return its code instead of evaluating it. This way we can use recursion to inline it infinitely in a lexical scope that is extended every time we need to extend the environment.

Let’s redefine our evaluator thus:

function evalInEnv(code, isExpression){
  var environmentFunction = "function (code2, isExpression2) {"
   + " return eval(evalInEnv(code2, isExpression2));"
   + "}";
  var body;
   body = "return ("+code+");";
   body = code
   + " return " + environmentFunction + ";"
  // return our code, do not evaluate it
  return "(function(){" + body + "})()";
var c = 0;
// since it now returns code, we have to bootstrap it here
var e1 = eval(evalInEnv("var i = c++;"));
assertEquals(0, e1("i", true));
assertEquals(0, e1("i", true));
// and to illustrate that we can modify the environment
assertEquals(1, e1("++i", true));
assertEquals(2, e1("++i", true));

// now let's extend the environment
var e2 = e1("var j = i;", false);
assertEquals(2, e2("j", true));

// let's make sure "i" is also visible in e2
assertEquals(2, e2("i", true));

// and let's make sure "j" is not visible in e1
 e1("j", true);
 assertTrue(e instanceof ReferenceError);

This is it. It works, it’s cross-browser since it conforms to a standard JavaScript feature that was already supported in IE6 and with that you can implement an eval with first-class environments.

Using that solution

So let’s say the initial environment is one where you did not define any variable:

// let's use a random expression to bootstrap our environment
var initialEnvironment = eval(evalInEnv("42", true));

Now you can extend the current environment using a stack of environments to represent the current lexical scope:

var lexicalScope = [initialEnvironment];

function currentEnvironment(){
 return lexicalScope[lexicalScope.length-1];

function extendEnvironment(statement){
 var currentEnvironment = currentEnvironment();
 lexicalScope.push(currentEnvironment(statement, false));

And you can evaluate any expression in the current environment:

function evaluateExpression(expression){
 var currentEnvironment = currentEnvironment();
 return currentEnvironment(expression, true);

And when you’re done with the current environment, when you get out of the current lexical scope, you can get back to the outer environment:

function popEnvironment(){


We have shown a technique for extending JavaScript’s eval with a reified environment which allows us to define new environments, extend, drop, modify and access them, by using a mix of recursion and inlining to achieve our goal in a cross-browser implementation that is minimal in size and complexity.

In terms of performance we have to remember that JavaScript’s eval is not any more costly than loading a <script> element since the JavaScript engine uses the same mechanism. The only difference in execution frequency is that most <script> evaluation is done only once, while we do this every time we extend the environment, so it could be an expensive solution, but one that in practice does not show any performance penalty in our tests.

In terms of heap size this process is not any more costly than standard recursion, though it is more costly in terms of code segment size, even though the code generated by our recursion/inlining technique is fairly small and limited to the number of scopes used in the environment.

We do not know if the recursion/inlining technique we used has been found and/or named before, and we certainly never came across it before, so even if it’s old news, it was very gratifying to reinvent it.

We believe this technique can be reused in every functional language that supports eval within the current lexical scope.

To get back to the original goal of implementing JavaScript templates, it is of course entirely possible to implement templates by compiling them to JavaScript code. We can do this using the with statement to simulate new environments, and this leads to faster code since the statements and expressions are only compiled once. But not reifying the environment prevents such templates from capturing it for delaying nested parts of the template (futures) or repeated evaluation of such nested parts (reevaluate some part every X seconds), both of which are features of our templating system.

Oh, and of course, we’ve published our JavaScript client-side templating system, it’s called Stamps.js and it’s open-source.

Check it out, this piece of magic code is used in there.
