Lunatech at the RivieraDEV

I just came back from RivieraDEV, located on the French Riviera. Lunatech sponsored this nice and sunny conference. There were load of good talks and Nicolas Martignole and myself - the Nicolases ™ - gave a presentation about Play! framework with some really nice demos. One of the demo showed a video chat.
The presentation’s video should be available pretty soon, stay tuned!
Highlight of the conference were probably the Coffeescript presentation by Bodil Stokke and the Github presentation by Zach Holman. I hope to be invited next year - this year was easy since I helped organised the conference ;). Big thanks to Stephane, Yannis and all the RivieraDEV team.
Play framework presentation slides
Our presentation is available here: Play! Framework: To infinity and beyond (PDF).
PS: I left my phone in Rotterdam, so although it was nice and quiet, I did not get any pictures of the event.