December Play!ground in Rotterdam

Following a break for Devoxx and busy projects, we are now planning the next Play Framework event, for software developers and technical managers.
This event is the perfect opportunity to learn practical techniques, learn more about Play’s advanced features and meet other Play developers. We also expect to have some fun.
16:30, Friday, 2 December 2011
Lunatech Office - Heemraadssingel 70, 3021DD, Rotterdam
This event will focus on Play 2.0, with presentations by Peter Hilton and Nicolas Leroux:
16:30 - arrival and drinks
17:00 - Play 1.2.4/2.0 news and the story behind the Devoxx announcements
17:30 - break
17:45 - Play 2.0 live coding example
18:15 - drinks, networking
As always, beer and networking are an essential part of the programme.
Register for this event.