Lunatech presents at Scala Stockholm

On 15 February 2012, Peter Hilton will present Play to the Scala-Stockholm user group.
Peter Hilton will open the meeting with a short presentation on his view about Scala’s role as language on the JVM which we will discuss with other Scala celebrities.
Why Play needs Scala and why Scala needs Play
Play 2.0 is a Scala rewrite of Play 1.2, which was implemented in Java. Although Scala makes various things easier to implement and reduces the need to use bytecode enhancement at runtime, it’s the type-safe templates that will have the biggest impact for most users. Play needs Scala to provide compile-time checking and type-safety.
Meanwhile, Play is the first Scala web framework that’s designed for mainstream web developers, with full-stack functionality and support for modern front-end technologies. This is fundamentally different to web frameworks that are designed for Scala enthusiasts, using Scala language features to implement a partial web framework in a Scala way. Scala needs Play, because Play makes Scala useful for mainstream software development, which these days means web application development.
Peter Hilton (Play! Framework 2.0), Heiko Seeberger (Scala in Action), Viktor Klang (Up and out: Scaling software with Actors), Andrey Breslav (The Kotlin Programming Language) and Jonas Bonér (Akka) have confirmed their participation.