Play rescues kittens at Jfokus

A few weeks ago, on 14 February 2012, Peter Hilton presented Play Framework 2.0 at Jfokus, in Stockholm. Jfokus, which Ludovico wrote about was an excellent conference and well worth the trip. There was also a good turn-out for my presentation. Here’s the presentation summary, by the audience, via Twitter.
There seems to be a lot more interest in Play than a year ago, and five minutes before the start, there was plenty of anticipation among the attendees:
@pethie: Waiting Play 2.0 presentation #jfokus to start. Seems to be popular as the room fills up fast.
@pethie: Cool, Play 2.0 presentation is packed. Must have kick ass content then #Jfokus
@kaivirkki: Eagerly waiting to learn about Play 2.0 at #jfokus. I have big expectations for the framework!
Suspense was then added to the anticipation, giving more time for people to arrive and fill the room, because the projector wasn’t showing the slides (not my fault, quickly fixed by the Jfokus technicians):
@iamgoddog: Technical problem at Play2.0 lecture at #jfokus Hope we’ll see it soon
@linqon: Waiting for play presentation at #jfokus. Technical difficulties…
Fortunately, lots of people turned by the time I started (photo by @iamgoddog):
The presentation was on Valentine’s day, so a good day to say that you love Play:
@blockmar: We <3 Play framework! #JFokus
I started the presentation by talking about the browser and web architecture:
@per_jansson: I can’t believe that not all web frameworks have browser back button support like Play and GWT. Come on, the app runs in a browser! #jfokus
@_JamesWard At #Jfokus in @PeterHilton’s Play2 session "When a web framework has an architecture fight with the web, the framework loses"
… and added a couple of Internet meme easter eggs.
@mraible: Nice! @PeterHilton slipped in a Honey Badger reference and a Rick Roll on the same slide in his #playframework 2 talk at #jfokus.
Next I talked about usablity and developer experience (DX), which is also a big part of Play:
@blockmar: "If you are a scientist or a superhero then maybee you don’t care…" #playframework #JFokus
@matsstrandberg: #jfokus #playframework Peter Hilton: "Code reloading is very important for DX (Developer Experience)"
@javaHelena: Excellent reminders on good web development by @PeterHilton in the #playframework 2.0 talk at #jfokus.
There are many interesting topics and innovations in Play 2.0, but I’m interested in templates, so I talked about that:
@dvalfrid: Play 2.0 looks really nice, must check it out. #jfokus''
@javaHelena: Scala templates in #playframework 2.0 looks quite all right! #jfokus with @PeterHilton
… and about URL-centric design:
@yarasenger: At @PeterHilton talk about Play framework. 'you should love your URLs they are part of your UI' #jfokus
At some point, I somehow ended up talking about kittens (photo: James Wragg), which may have been slightly confusing and perhaps a little contrived…
@apnylle: "I was somehow distracted while writing this code and wrote 'kittens' instead of 'products'" - @PeterHilton #Jfokus
@cyberzac: #jfokus Peter Hilton: remember #play is cute kittens?
… but completely reasonable on balance, because kittens are cute:
@iamgoddog: Play is cute kittens #jfokus
@malinljungh: Play → cute kittens #jfokus
@crichardson: @PeterHilton enjoying your play talk. Thanks. #jfokus #kittens
As well as kittens, I talked about developer productivity:
@Nadrendion: Play lets you sleep in and still have time to save the world in the afternoon. #jfokus And play rescues kittens aswell. Better check it out!
@crichardson: @PeterHilton enjoying your #playframework talk. Thanks. #jfokus #kittens
@blockmar: Rember: Think Play, think kittens! #jfokus
… and CoffeeScript:
@KrisJelbring: Compiliation of LESS and CoffeeScript in Play 2. And kittens. Pretty sweet. #jfokus
… and LESS, together with a different feline meme:
@Nadrendion: Rainbow as a color in play 2.0 talk #jfokus
@ostergaard: Peter Hilton gets Nyan Cat into his #jfokus presentation. And in general Play saves kittens. :)
Fortunately, not all of the serious points were not obscured by kitten references:
@ostergaard: On the serious side, Peter does a fantastic presentation of Play 2.0. Feel like programming now! #jfokus
@apnylle: Really great talk about Play 2.0 by @PeterHilton at #jfokus
@KrisJelbring: Thank you @PeterHilton for a great talk on @playframework!! #jfokus
@jwiberg: Thank you @PeterHilton for nice presentation about Play 2.0 at #JFokus. Definetily I’m gonna test drive it!
Also, some people must have followed my advice to attend Bodil Stokke’s CoffeeScript talk afterwards, which also featured cat pictures:
@htengelin: Hmmm… Mycket katter i presentationerna på #jfokus
… including Matt Raible, who blogged about my talk while listening to Bodil’s:
@mraible: Play Framework 2.0 with @PeterHilton at #Jfokus… #playframework
I guess you had to be there. If you weren’t, you have more chances this year, at geecon and GOTO Amsterdam in May.