Lunatech Advisory Board Member At Scala Center!

For the 10th year’s anniversary of Scala Lunatech got the opportunity to be a Platinum sponsor at ScalaDays. The event took place this year in the beautiful EPFL of Lausanne, Scala’s places of birth and home of the Scala Center. This was the right moment to meet the community and discuss our involvement.
Lunatech is proud to be now an official advisory board member of the Scala Center since few weeks. Advisory Board consists of companies who want to support the open source community and back their strategic investment in Scala and its technologies
The Scala Center acts as an open source foundation for Scala. It is a unit within EPFL, a world-class research university in Lausanne, Switzerland. The Scala Center is the Scala language foundation created to help encourage sustainable development in the Scala open source space.
Like other open source foundations, its goals are to promote, support, and advance Scala. It will engage with developers in the open-source community in an effort to improve the language, its tools and its documentation. The centre will also help developers learn the language through massive open online courses, seminars and other activities.
Scala Center, and its Director and author of Scala.js, Sebastien Doraene, bring together a coalition of individuals and organisations working together to contribute to Scala. All members, individual and corporate, are actively involved in the Scala project.
Erik Bakker (our CTO) is assigned as Lunatech representative. According to Darja Jovanovic (Community Manager at the Scala Center and organiser of the last Scala Days), the Scala Center and its members aim to share the relevant information to choose what is the best way to develop the technologies and the Scala community.
Lunatech’s membership at the Scala Center is reinforcing Lunatech’s position in the Scala community. We will now be part of the few companies involved at the source of the improvement of Scala. Indeed, Scala being one of our expertise for many years, this partnership means a lot to us!
If yourself have a strong interest in Scala and its tools and want to work in an international environment among 28 nationalities, you can contact or come to see us at our booth on the following conference:
Lambda world Cadiz, Spain, Gold sponsor - 17-18th October
J-fall Ede, The Netherlands, sponsor - 30-31st October
Scala IO, Lyon (Lunatech France) Gold sponsor - 29-31st October
Scala Bee Ljubljana, Slovenia, Party sponsor, 21-23rd November
Lunatech is more than ever involved on JVM conference all across Europe and even allow a yearly budget to its employees to attend the conference of their choices! See you soon!