Riviera JUG news

If you are one of the +600 people who came to one of the Riviera JUG meetings, you will know that Lunatech Research is one of the key sponsors of this Java User Group.
Over the past (nearly) three years we have contributed to the creation of the largest Java conferences in the south of France, where every month we have presented to an average of 50 people per month the following technologies:
21/06/2011 : Soirée GWT et Android
06/05/2011 : Soirée Envers et CDI
11/03/2011 : Soirée files de messages
18/02/2011 : Apache Lucene/Solr et ElasticSearch
06/01/2011 : Soirée outils de productivité
29/11/2010 : Soirée NetBeans
24/11/2010 : Soirée nuages (cloud)
22/06/2010 : Soirée BPM
28/05/2010 : Soirée cloud et coups de cœurs
20/04/2010 : Soirée outils de build
18/03/2010 : Soirée RESTful
05/02/2010 : Soirée Technologies Google
09/12/2009 : Soirée intégration continue.
6/11/2009 : Soirée programmation distribuée.
15/07/2009 : Soirée Agile.
19/06/2009 : Soirée RIA.
10/04/2009 : Soirée SOA.
All this with the help of local, national and international speakers who make these events so rewarding.
Additionally, every year we have organised a larger conference, which keeps getting larger and larger, to the point that this year we will host it on two days with three tracks and a total of 35 talks under the name of Riviera DEV on the 20/21 of October.
Here are our past larger conferences:
09/07/2010 : SophiaConf 2010
02/10/2009 : Sophia fait sa Java.
14/01/2009 : Mini-conf Java EE.
Lunatech Research remains committed more than ever to this great community, because we love sharing knowledge and the attendees also love what we do :)
Lastly I would like to present the team behind the Riviera JUG, of which two are Lunatech Research employees:
Nicolas Leroux (Lunatech Research)
Yannis Bres (Stonesoft)
Stéphane Épardaud (Lunatech Research)